Part 6

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           As soon as we heard the voice, Claire took off running with me close behind her. I didn't know who it was, but I knew that it must be someone who owned this land. I didn't look back, I kept on running until I was completely lost in the woods around me. Of course I lost sight of Claire, which doesn't matter because I am sure she kept on going knowing her. I stopped for a second and looked around, nothing looked familiar to me at all. I heard a snap of a twig and I froze in my spot, what was that?

            "You know, usually when someone says something like that you say thanks and not run away and get lost," the male voice says again. I turn around and look at the boy, he was standing a good distance away from me. I took a look at him, he was tall, brown hair, tan, and very fit.

            "Well, most people don't sneak up on two girls like you did," I say crossing my arms.

             "Most girls don't walk onto some random property without asking either," he says with a half smile on his face. I smile a little as I look away to gain my composer back, then I look back at him and he was a little closer this time.

            "Well, I am sorry. My friend told me that this land hasn't been used in years. We were just taking a few pictures for some family. We didn't damage anything and we didn't leave anything either," I say making him laugh a little this time. His voice and laugh was music to my ears.

            "You are welcomed on my land anytime darling.... But just let me know, so I don't accidentally have the dogs out and they attack you or something," He says making me nervous. "Calm down, they don't attack, only protect. You aren't from the country are you?" he asked looking me up and down.

            "No, I am from the city. This is just for pictures and this outfit fits this place," I say looking around.

            "You're bleeding," He says making me look down at my leg. He was telling the truth, It looked like I cut my leg on a twig while running. I groan and ignore it and look back at him as he looked a little concerned about my leg.

            "It's just a cut, no big deal. Who are you anyways, I know everyone around here but never once met you," I say as I walk over to him. He laughs and looks down at me, since I was so much shorter than him.

             "My name's Tyler, and of course you haven't seen me around. I mean, I'm home schooled," he says making me look at him with an even weirder look.

            "Home schooled?" I say not buying it.

            "Alright you got me, I'm not home schooled. I go to the other school just outside of town, figured I would do that instead of everyone knowing my business around this town," He says looking away from me. So he was the secretive type, I got that vibe right away.

           "I've never met a country guy before, my name's Brooklyn," I say holding out my hand. He smiles and shakes it and looks at me.

          "Brooklyn, that name fits you very well," he says making me smile. Once I look at him a little closer, I notice that I have seen him around before.

          "You were at that party the other night, weren't you?" I ask him making him frown a little.

          "How do you know?" He asked clearly not remembering. I decide not to tell him, save me the embarrassment. 

            "I just heard my brother talking about a new kid who was there," I say as we begin walking to what I assume was the way out.

            "Yeah, I was around. I left after helping some girl out of the pool who was rudely pushed in," he says sounding a little upset about it. "I hate when guys do that, think that they can over power a girl," he says making me smile on the inside. Damn, country guys are really gentleman. 

           "Yeah I heard about that, but it's good that you helped her. I am sure she appreciated it a lot, and she thanks you for it," I say making him smile.

            "Alright, we didn't mean to just walk around on your land buddy," Claire says as I look, we were back by the road now where the car was parked. Claire was freaking out and Tyler was just laughing at her.

           "Claire it's alright, this is Tyler," I say greeting him and her. I smile when she finally calms down, looks at Tyler and then back at me with that devilish look on her face.

           "Well Tyler, it's nice to meet you," she says making Tyler smile at her as well.

           "The pleasure is all mine, and not to worry about the pictures. You two are always welcomed here like I told Brooklyn," he says with that cute smile again.

           "Thanks, we will for sure be back probably, this place is cool," Claire says getting in her car waiting for me. I walk to the passenger door and look back at Tyler.

           "See you around," I say with a smile as I get in the car and we leave. I watch him in the mirror as we drive off, he just watched us drive away with a smile on his face. I think I just fell in love.....

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