As I push the button to the garage bay, I wipe away my tears and say one last silent prayer asking for the strength to do what I know in my head is the best thing for everyone involve. Then I drive in and turn the engine off. Before I can even get out of my car, I notice Hunter standing anxiously in the doorway to the kitchen.

His almost always perfect hair is a bit messy, most likely the result of him running his hands through it. Even with it that way, I still think he is one of the most handsome men I have ever met.

He waves tentatively and I do the same as I gather my purse and take a deep breath reassuring myself I can do this. Once I'm inside he immediately wraps me in one of his world famous hugs. "I've missed you so much."

I have to fight to not allow myself to get swept up in his embrace and the feelings that it evokes. "I've missed you, too." I whisper.

He smiles that smiles that makes me weak in the knees. Lord, how am I going to be able to do this! "Thank you for driving over here."

"It's no problem." I say as I back away trying to create some distance between us. "We really need to discuss somethings and here is a much better place than Liz's."

"I agree. So where would you like to talk? Kitchen, Living room or maybe outside on the back patio?"

"Ah uhm, the living room is fine."

"Okay, would you like anything to drink?"

"No, I'm fine." I say as I leave the kitchen and head straight for one of the overstuffed chairs in the living room.

He follows and instead of taking a seat on the couch like I had hoped, he pulls an ottoman over and sits directly in front of me then reaches for my left hand to hold. "I don't even know where to begin. Do you?"

As much as I hate to, I remove my hand from his. "I think we need to start with me explaining why I broke our engagement."

"Yes, I really want to know why you felt you had to do that."

I can tell he's nervous to hear what I'm about to say and he should be. "I gave you back your ring, because I can't marry you, not when I believe you still have feelings for Renee."

"What? Are you kidding me? I don't have any feelings for her." He protests.

"Yes, you do. I just don't think you're aware of it yet."

"No, I don't. Honestly, I don't and I'm pretty sure I'd know that better than you."

"If you don't then please explain to me why you made plans to meet Renee at the park less than 12 hours after she kissed you?"

"I didn't make plans with her, I made them with Harper."

"Oh really? So I misunderstood and you didn't meet RENEE and Harper at the swings at noon time?"

"No, I did, but I only went because Harper asked me to because she was missing me."

"Did Harper ask you if Renee could come along?"

"Ah no."

"Then why did you invite her? You could have gone to get Harper and taken her to the park, by yourself. You've done that many times before. Or you could have invited me along, but I didn't even cross your mind did I?" My voice starts to cracks.

"Liddy, I love you. You're always on my mind."

"Just answer my question. Why did you invite Renee to the park with you and Harper, instead of me?"

"I ah I don't know. It just made sense to ask her to come along since Harper was staying with her."

"It made sense to you, to invite the woman who openly admits that she doesn't want you to marry me and who has repeatedly made it clear that she wants you back and has tried to seduce you numerous times by wearing next to nothing and who has kissed you passionately. THAT MADE SENSE TO YOU?" I yell.

"It's not like that, and even if it was it doesn't matter. I don't feel the same way towards her. Please, you have no reason to feel threatened or jealous."

"How would you feel if Craig came back and admitted that he still loved me and wanted me to break our engagement so he and I could try again? Then he started texting and calling me every day and used every excuse he could to seduce me?"

He pauses to think about what I just said. "Okay, maybe I'd be jealous of him, but I would trust you. So why can't you trust me?"

"Because, since Renee told you she still loves you, you've changed. You don't talk to me any more."

"What do you mean? I talk to you all the time."

"Maybe about everyday things, but not about big stuff."

"Sure I do."

"Really? Then tell me how long have Steve and Jessica have been engaged?"

"For a couple weeks. I told you that."

"NO you didn't. I found out from HARPER, 2 days ago, when she mentioned that mommy and daddy said she was going to be a flower girl in uncle Steve's wedding. Do you have any idea how awful I felt hearing about something that important from a 2 year old, yet Renee, your EX WIFE was able to hear it directly from you?"

"Are you sure I didn't tell you?"

I force myself to laugh otherwise I'm going to cry. "I'm positive. I have no idea how he proposed or when, but I bet I could ask Renee and she could share all the details!"

"I'm sorry, I guess I forgot. I've been busy."

"That's for sure. Too busy to talk with me and spend time with me, yet you seem to have all kinds of time to chat with Renee at her place, while she walks around in a short silky robe trying to kiss you."

"Stop it. That's not what it's like at all."

"It isn't?"

"Liddy, you know I love you. You are my world."

"I use to believe that, but not any more." I say while fighting back tears.

"Oh baby, don't cry." He whispers before trying to hug me.

As much as I want to feel his arms around me and hear him say he loves me and that he's sorry, I have to remain focused, so I push him away.

"Hunter,I need to you answer a few more questions and I need you to answer them honestly."


"Promise me. You will be completely honest."

"Okay, I pinky promise."

I take a deep breath trying to find the courage I need to ask these next few questions that I know I'm not going to like his answers to. "What would you have done if before we were engaged, Renee told you she still loved you and wanted you back?"

"The exact same thing I told her when she admitted it to me a few weeks ago, that I'm in love with you now."

"Okay, but what would you have said, if you hadn't met me?"

"I don't know. It doesn't matter. I did meet you and I fell in love with you."

"Hunter, you promised to answer my questions, honestly."

"I am." He says nervously.

"No you're not. You're procrastinating. What would you have done, if Renee told you she regretted divorcing you and that she was still deeply in love with you?"

"I ah, I ah I probably would have considered getting back together with her so we could raise Harper together like a traditional family."

"That's exactly what I expected you to say." I mumble before breaking down in tears.


So what's Liddy going to do now?

Hope everyone is enjoying the story.

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