"Yes... Yes that must be it!" We were both grasping straws by now.

"Are you alone?" I asked.

"I've called Caroline and she's on her way over." Elena informed and that was good, she shouldn't be alone at a time like this.

"I'll call when I hear something." I promised, we hung up before I turned towards the sleeping Anna. "I'm glad you can sleep." I mumbled, so grateful that she had defended me and sat by my side the entire night.

After pacing back and forth for a while I went into the lounge and started to flick through the channels. I couldn't find anything to distract me the slightest so I ended up calling the list of phone numbers again and again; Damon, Stefan, Klaus, Ted and then start from the top again.

I walked to the kitchen to get a bottle of water and then I took a detour to Anna's room to get a blanket to put over my sleeping friend. My eyes noted the opened suitcase on her bed; she had only had time to unpack her grimoire.

I had been a bad hostess.

I don't think the big clock in the parlour had ever passed slower; I was there several times, just to check if I had to wind it up further. Thoughts of eternity ran through my head more than once and I could not fathom any longer amounts of time. I had gone through the phonenumbers again, several times and randomly searched the books in the bookshelves when Anna finally woke up again.

Vampire-speed took me instantly to her side by the couch, startling her. "You're awake!" I whined. "I'm gonna fall apart if we don't hear anything soon." I sighed

She sat up and started to stretch her back and neck. "I know sweetie, but we have to have faith, I mean if we didn't believe in the impossible, we wouldn't be here in the first place." Anna comforted me with the perfect words; of course they'd come back.

I put my arms around her to thank her for all she had done, and to show her how much she really meant to me. She had been my best friend for years and she would become my best friends for as long as we would walk this earth together; and that held a promise to be for a long time.

"Are you thirsty?"

"A little, how about you?" She asked and then she frowned. "Damn, I forgot."

I snickered. "I had a 'Bloody Mary' earlier." I exaggerated the tone for her to get the point. "I'll get you something." Anna followed me to the kitchen and we ate some cereal and then brought soda and cookies to the lounge where we sat down.

My phone chimed and I saw Ted's number on my display. "Ted?" I yelped and all the nerves of my body were on edge.

"What's all this nagging on the phone? There are at least fifty missed calls from you, Sweetie." I ignored that teasing tone in his voice.

"Have you found them?" 

"Yeah, we found them and we're on our way home."

I almost cried. "Are they okay? Please say that they're okay!" I begged and my voice cracked.

"Yes, you can calm down now, cutie. We'll be home soon, but we have to stop and get something to eat first." He told me in a calm way. "They all need to feed."

"Oh... can I talk to Damon?"

"Sorry, no can do. He's in the other car and he lost his phone, but we'll be home in an hour, you'll gonna have to wait, sugar."

"Do you promise he's okay?" I sobbed.

"Yes, he's a big boy, he'll be fine." Ted tried to comfort me in a diminishing tone. "As long as we'll get some blood in him, he'll be up and running in no time."

Chasing Dreams (a Vampire Diaries fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now