Your questions answered.

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My Goodness! These questions are so... Great!

Ilysm <3

Q: Fave part of all your books?

A: I will start from the first one, which is, "Somebody Out There" the Pewdiepie x Reader I started about a year ago and finished it this year (yup). My fave part there was the VidCon part where they danced (I think it's so cute lol shut up faye). And then the "Last Piece of Pie", another Pewds x Reader, I loved the part when Pewds said that he liked (Y/N) because.. Lol whut that was so casual. And then the Anthony Padilla x Reader, I liked the last published part where they kissed (and I will post an epilouge soon). And then the Cry x Reader, I liked the part when (Y/N) saw Cry's mask and Cry said "Don't you dare... (i forgot what else he said)" and that was... Just lols. And then the Joe Sugg x Reader, I loved the part when they met again. (I'm not including the oneshot books here)

Q: how's life?
A: pretty much full of hell jk

Q: Do you know how to knit?
A: No... No, I don't. :/

Q: When did you start getting addicted to writing?

A: When I was still a little turd (Shit) I used to make my own comics that no one ever saw. I loved doing those because my mum never ever dared to buy me a comic book because she said that we cannot afford it. So, yeah. My imagination is pretty much that wide, I make up scenarios in my mind and start writing it once I find a pen and paper.

Q: Who was your first best friend?
A: Back in my early days, Playschool, I met this girl named Cheska (Her second name is Isabel, which is very confusing because my best friend's name is Ysabelle) and we went on the same bus and she lives nearby. So our parents knew each other a lot. We still see each other though, but things changed a lot and we don't talk to each other pretty much like the old times. She's still a friend, though. It just happened that we separated (we go to different buses after 3rd grade) and she's in a different class so yeah. Then I transffered to a different school and that made our friendship more distant than before. We didn't have a fight, it just came to a point where we don't feel too close anymore.

Q: How do you find inspirations?

A: It's pretty much all around you (lol really) so I reccomend that you search around the house or go outside and look at some kind of scene. I often go and search the internet world. Just look at pictures of random stuff (not dick pics because you'll end up writing a smut fic) or watch some movies or listen to songs. (or yeah, go to the internet world to find thousands of hot men and make him as your inspiration to make a fanfic lol no wtf)

Q: What is your morning routine?
A: Sorry, I do not have a morning routine because I don't wake up on mornings... I'm still asleep by 12:30 in the afternoon because maybe I decided to sleep by the sunrise lol (So I'm just like: "I want to sleep early tonight, just for a change..." *peeks at window* "Is that a sunrise I see???" HAHAHA)

Q: Hated by?

A: Haters. (simple question get rekt)

Q: If you could go back in time, What would you do?

A: I would probably go back to the time when jaspoli came here in the Philippines (YES I AM ASIAN) and I would run to the airport.

Q: Thing you'd love to try but you can't?

A: I would firstly, I love to try doing vines but i can't because I'm not funny.

Q: What was the worst text you accidentally sent to someone?

A: I slept at my cousin's house and my mum texted me saying "Good Morning! What did you have for breakfast?" So I should've replied "I only had crackers this morning." But instead, the laptop keyboard said "I only had crack this morning." so my mum rushed to my cousin's house and she actually thought that I smoked crack. HAHAHAHAHAHA

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