Chapter Twenty Six

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-My POV-
Gaisxch... Today is A Wednesday
2 days before our graduation wooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
Not funneh.
So uh, i'm so sorry if the last chapter was short and full of time skips.
I'll be better.
Gewd mernen... I have to go to the supermarket today!!! I want to buy... GUMMY BEARS! I'll go to the orphanage later and give it to children! I love little kids.

Felix is still sleeping... Still.

"Hello! I have gummy bears!!!" I told the children. They were so happy. I made them fall a line and gave them gummy bears. Colorful gummy bears.

"Thank you!!!" The children said. "It's really nothing. Anyway, I have to go. It's 12 already. Eat your lunch, all of you. BYE!!!" I said.

I left the orphanage and go straight to Churchill Square at McDonald's and buy my lunch.

Yeah, I'll eat chicken.

I want to call Felix now, he doesn't know where I am.


My phone died. No battery. As in... 0%

How would I tell him? Maybe he'll get worried. He can be mad...

I hurried to eat my lunch and left McDonald's. I walked to Western Road then turn left to Western Street. I ran to #36.

"Felix, open the door." I said. "Who's there? Oh, it's you." He opened the door and sat in the sofa. "Uh, sorry. I visited the orphanage, I didn't tell you." I said. "You should've woke me up and tell me where you're going! You drove me nuts, _____!" He said. "You don't even have to worry about me..." I said. "You're my girlfriend,_____. Why would I not worry???" He said. "So what if I'm your girlfriend? I'm not even tied up to you, you're not my bodyguard, I didn't even tell you to do everything for me, You don't have to get mad because you don't have to worry!" I said. "I'm not even mad." He said. "Then why are you yelling?" I said. "I'm not yelling!!!" He said. "Did you just yell, Felix? I heard it loud." I said. "Well, Sorry! Is that okay?" He said. "No! That is not okay! You know what... I don't care. Whatever your problem is... I don't care. How famous you are... I don't care. If you worry... I don't care, I never cared. So stop whatever you're doing to me." I said. "Okay. I don't even care either. You can go now, Miss _____." He said. "So, you're telling me that you want me to leave? Am I right? Fine! I'll go! Don't talk to me unless you realize that when It's my life, It's my choice!" I said.

I stormed to the guest room and packed up. I stormed outside the house and never looked back. I feel frustrated.

Anthony's calling me.

"Hey _____! Wazzup?" He asked. "I'm... Okay." I said. "You don't sound okay, is anything wrong? What did I do? Who did that to you?" He asked. "I'm really okay. Don't worry." I said. "Where are you?" He asked. "Western street." I said. "At Felix's house... What are you doing there?" He asked. "It's a long story, Anthony." I said. "Uh, just stay there. I'm here at King's Road, I'll see you there." He said. "Okay." I ended the call.

As soon as I dropped the call, Anthony came, with a car. He was waving at me, I waved back. "_____... Why are you outside? With your... Stuff?" He asked. "Anthony... I..." I didn't finish my sentence when Anthony said: "No, It's okay. You can keep it as a secret. I won't know." He said. "Thanks, Anthony." I said.

He exited the car and opened the door for me. I entered the car. He carried my bags and placed it at the trunk. He entered the car and we moved.

"So, you're really not telling me the long story, eh?" He asked. "If it's really okay with you..." I said. "It's okay. I'll give you some space." He said. "I'm always ready to listen if you're ready to tell me." He said. "Thanks." I said. "But really, what are you doing at Felix's house?" He asked.

"We had a fight." I said. "Okay... So, what exactly happened when you fought him?" He asked. "Actually, I was staying at his house for a couple of days because my unit isn't safe anymore. He offered his place and I followed. And then... This morning, While he was still sleeping, I decided to buy candies to give to children at the orphanage. After that, I ate lunch at McDonald's. I was about to call him but, my phone died. When I came home, He was mad. He said I made him worry." I said. "Why did he get mad? What's with you two?" He asked. "He's my..." I can't say it. "Your Boyfriend?" He said. "Exactly.." I said.

There was silence. I tried to break it. "Wait, what are we doing here at Windlesham Road?" I asked. "Nothing. Just driving around." He said. "Park? Dyke Road Park?" I asked. "Exactly, _____." He said.

-My POV-
It's always short.
K. Bye.

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