Chapter Seventeen

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Ye You guys should stop hating me!!! Whoops!!! Wrong app. Amsareh.

I love being immature when it's morning guys, I'm really sorry.

Well, I'm trying to be happy...
I'm facing many problems and struggles right now, It's like... Waking up and knowing that you're facing reality. Your problems drain your happiness.
So, I'm sorry if sometimes I feel... Weird.
Weird like... Why is this chapter crazy?!
So, I'm really sorry.

Please make me happy just for today.
Please... Do those comments. Now.
Any crazy comment. Even if it's a bash.
They say haters gonna hate? I love you even if you're a hater. I love everyone around me, they make my day complete. YOU make my day complete.

Anyway, I'm being weirder.

anyway, see the picture? it made me smile and laugh too much. #PewdieLongHair

Keep your sanity high!!

enough all caps.

Anyway, start reading!!!
~ 6:39 am, at the hotel room ~

"Good morning, my crazy _____!" Felix stared at me as I open my eyes.

"Hi, good morning." I said.

His smile makes me smile too. HYPNOTIZING.

"Uh... Ahm... Let's have breakfast! Breakfast in bed!!!" He said.

"Awww... thank you." I said.

After breakfast, we decided to pack our things because were going back to Brighton.

"Did you... bring the... paper bag?" He asked.

"What paper bag?" I asked.

He pointed at the table with a small paper bag.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Open it." He said.

As I open the paper bag... What?! a card?!?!

"Hope your days are great with me..."

"Uhm... ahm... thanks." I said.

There's also a small teddy bear and pink roses...

"H-Hold on... Hold on, dude... it's not Valentine's day, yet." I said.

"Well, I just want to give you something." He said.

"Maybe you'll be happy about it." he added.

"I AM HAPPY ABOUT IT! THANK YOU!!!" I ran to him for a big hug.

We comepletely packed everything. Were going to the airport, were going back to Brighton.


"Bawlsheet!!!" I said, as I opened the door of my apartment. My bags are too heavy.

"Let me help you with that." Felix helped me.

"Thanks." I said.

"No problem.. So, Erm... I guess I have to go." He said.

"Yeah, you need a rest." I said.

"Bye..." He kissed my forehead really slowly.

"Bye." I said, with out kissing his cheek again.

"Something's missing..." He pointed as his cheek with a smile.

✔ | Somebody Out There (Pewdiepie x Reader) --COMPLETED BOOK 1--Where stories live. Discover now