Chapter Twenty Four

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-My POV-
Kill PJ. now.
just kidding! just go on with your life. or, look at your kidney :/
I'm being crazy again. crap!
see the photo? that's me... coloring my hair.
I know you saw it already but... yeah. :poop:
See you...


Good Morning peeps. I want to do something I haven't done for a long time... Play my Guitar!

A - Em - D....

"You... are... the only exception...." I started singing, very loud and clear. _____ came in, she looked like she just woke up. "Hello There." I said. "Good morning! I see, You're having your Morning Acoustics today. Nice guitar, by the way..." She said. "Thanks. How's your morning supposed to be?" I asked. "Uhm, let me think... Go to Forever 21?! No! Maybe..." She didn't finish talking when I stood up from my chair. "Let's go to the beach." I said. "Why?" She asked me. "I don't know. It just came to my mind." I said. "Sure, I'll just take a shower." She said.

She closed the door and I heard her footsteps going to her room. I need to take a shower now.


After taking a shower, I packed my shorts with my towel. I also brought my sun screen with me. I placed it all in my back pack and I wore my shirt that says "UNAVAILABLE." Yes, I'm unavailable. :D

I stepped outside my room and waited for _____. "Yo?! still breathing there?" I yelled. "Just wait." She replied.


"Hi." She said. "My gawd." I said.

At the beach.

"Felix! Put. Me. Down!!!" I yelled at him as he carries me with his arms. He won't let go, I can't escape him.

He walked through the ocean, He's going deeper and deeper while holding me. Then I realized... Floating?!?!

"Dafuq poods." I said. "Just wait." He said.

He put out his goggles from his pocket, put it on, and put the extra one on me.

"Get ready, _____. 3... 2... 1..." He said.

We swam underwater. Seeing a lot of things. From corals, to fishes, to sea urchins, and even weird sea weeds!

Felix pulled out a piece of plastic and his water proof camera. He gave me the piece of plastic. He gestured to me, he wants me to read something on the plastic.

'Will you be my girlfriend?'

I can't breathe... (Of course I'm under water. Duh.)

I hurried to get oxygen. I swam up... Up... Up.

Felix followed me. "So...?!" He said.

"YES FELIX!!! I WILL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!!" I yelled. This is unexpected. Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, my boyfriend?! I can't believe this happened!!!

Felix kissed my forehead and started to hug me. "I love you, _____." He whispered to my ear. "I love you too, Felix." I said.

-My POV-

congrats! to your new boyfriend. :D

I didn't update for a long time because we just had our exams lately and we have one more exam to take... tomorrow. :D
#mlg #likeaboss #iwontstudy #getrekt

so... bye.


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