Chapter Twenty One

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me when I saw that picture: Holy sh*t it's blue.

I know you guys are thinking... Why do I not add a title for every part?

I'm getting crazy about it, so... I want it to be a surprise. If I add a title like "back to our past" or "as usual" you'll know what will happen to this chapter. (Whoops! i said it! sarreh)

baby baby blue eyes stay with me by my side 'till the morning through the night...

I'm obsessed by that band. #ARocketToTheMoon

anyway, read!


"Think we should go..." She said.

"Yeah." We walked with Edgar and Puga Chan.

We decided to play games at my place, she missed it that much.

"I missed this." She said.

"I missed... this." I hugged her while kissing her forehead.

"Felix... uhm..." She moved a little. Maybe she doesn't want hugs or kisses. yet.

"Uh, sorry." I said.

"It's okay." She said.

"Do you... Wanna have lunch with me? My treat, bro." I asked.

"Uh, okay."  I said.

We had lunch at McDonald's...

Well, you know what we ate... Chicken!


We finished lunch, then she called someone.


I decided to call my dad.

"Hello?! Dad?" I said.

"Where are you?" Dad said, he sounded like he's mad.

"M-McDonald's..." I said.

"Go to your apartment now, we're waiting." Dad ended the call.

Holy... Cow.

"Felix... Think I have to go..." I said.

"Sure, let's go." He said.

"No, I'll go home by myself." I said.

"No, That's not right. If your parents are looking for you, that's worse. You shouldn't go home all by yourself." He said.

"Uh, okay." I said.

We hurried back to my apartment, Dad looks furious.

I exited Felix's car. Dad's looking at me really... mad, I think?


_____'s dad looks mad...

"Where did you go again?" Her dad yelled.

"Why? I didn't do anything wrong!" She said.

"Meeting your boyfriend again, huh?" Her dad said.

"What? Are you talking about Andy?" She said. wait?! who's Andy?

I can't take this anymore, Her feelings are being hurt. I'm going out.

"Sir, I just had lunch with your daughter. That's all." I exited my car.

"Felix? You're back? I'M SO GLAD THAT I SAW YOU AGAIN!!" Her dad hugged me.

"Uh, _____... I guess I'll see you soon. Don't worry, we'll continue our game soon." I said.

"NO! Play games with her, Felix. It's okay. We'll go home, Bye!" her dad said.

"Uh, _____? Is it okay?" I asked.

"Uh... 'kay." She said.

We came back to my place, I'm so happy again.

"_____... Your Dad is cool. So cool..." I said.

"Really?! Thanks." She said.


He really f*cking thinks that my dad is cool... Oh Felix...




I never had a day that I wouldn't think about him. It's really weird.

"_____, I'll just call Marzia." He said. I AM NOT JEALOUS!

He opened his FaceTime account and He called Marzia.

"Marzia!" Felix said.

"Hi Felix! Glad you called. So, what's up?" She asked.

"Guess who's here..." Felix said.

Marzia's eyes widen. "Oh my gosh!!! is it her?!?!" Marzia looked excited. "Yes! She is!!!" Felix said.

Marzia screamed like she's watching a teen flick movie. "OMG!!!" She said.

"_____... Marzia wants to see you." Felix said.

I hurried towards him and his Ipad. Marzia's still shocked. "Hello _____!!! I'm so happy to see you there!!!" She yelled. "Calm down your ass, girl. You're scaring the neighbors..." Felix said. Felix looked like he's blushing, I feel like I am too.

"Marzia, You look so beautiful. I see, you came back to Italy." I said. "YOU ARE MORE BEAUTIFUL!!! YOU GUYS LOOK PERFECT!!!"  She yelled again. "Marzia, calm down..." I said. "Well, sorry. I feel so happy to see you together." She said.

"Marzia, we're playing games right now. Wanna watch?" Felix said. "Uh, I'm on a hurry right now guys... sorry. But don't worry! maybe next time, I'll be going to an important occasion. Bye guys! take care!!!" She said. "BYE!" Felix and I said in unison.

"Well, maybe she's dating someone already. Hmmm..." Felix said. "Whoever she's dating, He's damn lucky." I said. Well, I'm wondering... Why did Marzia change that much? She looks better than usual.

"Felix, why did Marzia come back to Italy?" I asked. "She missed her parents... so much." He said.

Maybe Marzia moved-on already.

I'm still doing projects and at the same time, reviewing for final exams. Final exams are so Intense (according to our Teachers) So I'm really nervous about it.
anyway, I'll see you soon! (I might update tomorrow)
BTW Our exams will be next week. Crazy, huh?!

So, see yah!

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