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Yes, I am back with this book again. Hello.

So the book two kinda got like a turtle for being so slow in updates. HAHAHA SORRY. And I promise I will finish that book before 2015 ends! I promise that! If I break the promise I'll color my hair pink! I HATE PINK!

As I said on my profile, I'll be gone for a while (exams and stuff) and I'll be back maybe before November 1st.

And November 1st is my first ever anniversary here in Wattpad. And for a celebration, you can leave some questions everywhere! Maybe the comments section of my stories or DM me or leave it on my profile. I'll answer them on November 1st (GMT +8) and yes, you can only leave questions on or before that day.

Since all my dreams started in this book (this exact book) and I earned so many friends through this book as well and got more and more addicted to writing stories (yes) I will give you guys the most wonderful ending I can write! The book two will end soon, I guess (is it obvious?) and as soon as I end that I may or may not be able to make another Pewdiepie x Reader because I have like... another Pewds x Reader book but it is kinda short (btw it's finished go check it out now) and writing looooooong fanfics is not my thing because I kind of get bored at the 25th chapter or whatever. My Cryaotic x Reader is not finished yet and yeah I do need to finish that soon and I also have a Joe Sugg x Reader book that has more than 25 chapters and yeah it is kinda getting boring so I might add a big twist in it. (spoiler alert)



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