Chapter Eighteen

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My IPad doesn't turn on..
ACTION... I mean, whatever.

Guess I'll just... Continue this story, yeah.

Once apon a time-----NO! Not too childish! That's so... Weird.

Just kidding! Enjoy this story!!!

Btw... Thanks for reading this! It's a hundred and fifty... One.


We arrived at my apartment.

"So, Good night." He said.

"Good night." I said, as I exit his car.

I heard his car open again...

While I'm walking, he hugged me and kiss me at my cheek. I held his hands, and I smiled a bit.

I faced him. "Good night." I said.

I continued walking towards the front door. I opened it and entered. Then I shut it fast, He might knock or open it... I locked it.

I closed all my windows and lowered all my curtains. He might look at it too.

"Bull... Sh*t." I whispered to myself.

I took a quick shower before I go to bed.

Then, wear my pajamas and go to bed.

I'm not on the mood to post my video yet, I'm too tired.


I decided to go home, I think _____ doesn't want to talk to me yet. Or... Forever.

I feel a bit... Angry at myself. What did I do?

~ Next Morning ~

Good morning!!!


It's Monday.

I have to post my Vlog at VidCon.

And, I have to make a video.


After  posting the vlog, another video to make...

Hey guys!
It's been a while, I just came home yesterday from Cali... Yes, I was at VidCon. And... Anthony invited me to their party with LOTS AND LOTS OF YOUTUBERS!!! I'm so happy to meet almost all of them, even... Mar----My favorite Youtubers were there.. Cry, Ken, Jack, Ian and Anthony... YEAH!!!
Anyway... I'll be more active tomorrow, still tired.
By the way, thanks for all of you guys! Thanks for 16.9 Million Subscribers!!!
Bye Guys!

"Biatxhhh..." I said, as I edit the video.

After uploading it, I opened Twitter.

"Marzia said that you're using Felix just go be famous, is that true?"

"Marzia is better than you are, USER!"


"I thought you are a good person but you're not! Stop using Felix or else were unsubbing!!!"

"Nice try, but you're not gonna be famous enough"

I saw Marzia's tweet... "@_____ stop using him! You just wanted to be famous!"

I just want to cry...


"_____!!! OPEN UP, WOULD YOU?" I can hear Felix banging the door.

"WHAT?!?!" I opened the door and yelled at him.

"A-Are you... Okay?" He said, as calm as possible.

"I-I'm fine. Just... Just go." I said.

"But----" He didn't even finish his words when I yelled "JUST GO!!!".

He walked away and I can sense that he's about to cry.

"Felix... I'm sorry. I'm just... Depressed." I said.

"i know." He said.

"It's just that... People believe too easily. Can they just lool for a proof?" I said.

"I know Marzia's been making your life miserable, she doesn't like you." Felix said. "Let me just make you feel better." he added.

He came near me for a hug, which I enjoyed. Then, he placed his hands on my face. As usual, he kisses my forehead like it'll be his last. He hugged me again.

"I don't know what she's doing to me. I didn't do anything wrong, right?" I said, as my tears slowly fall down to his shoulder.

"It's not you, It's... It's... It's Me." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's... My fault, really..." He said.

"What did you do to her?" I asked.

"I... I... I told her... To just... Break up with me already." He said.

"But, Why?" I asked.

"I can't stand it... It's getting really boring." He said.

"It's really your fault, I hate you." I said.

"Why? I did everything, everything I can to make myself feel better. My parents don't like her, AND I DON'T LIKE HER ANYMORE!!!" He yelled at me.

"You... Are... Very selfish." I closed the door and locked it.

I thought It was Marzia's fault.

I never knew how selfish he is! He can't just do what he wants! He's not even LORD AND SAVIOR!!!

What does he really want? Why did he do that???

All my sad emotions are drowning me, he drowned me even more. I didn't expect this, I need to talk to Marzia.

It's a Friday here, 11 am.
There should be classes until 5 but... I don't know why we had an early dismissal.

Here's what happened...

(9:40 am)
*bell rings, it should be ringing by 10*

It was too early, I just decided to go downstairs. There was an assembly.

Then I heard... We are going to be dismissed. NOW.

I quickly ran up to the 4th floor. (I'm a sixth grader, by the way) then our teacher made us write a letter on our notebooks.

February 20, 2015
Early dismissal due to a memo by the department of education

That's what we wrote. I contacted my brother at the highshool building, he said: "What? But they said... There was an urgent meeting."  weird, right?

We met at the main gate, there were SWAT teams every where. We were forced to leave the school immediately.


Weird? It was...
I thought there was a bomb threat, i think it's cool. Not too cool, but 5% cool.

Anyway, I'll rest now. I have to clear my mind. CLEAR.

I'll see you guys!

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