Chapter 11

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Iris POV:

"Aldrich, Dispose of Stark. I guarantee that if you try to fight you'll defeated!" I yelled at the not listening Aldrich Killian.

Aldrich took his earphones out. "Did you say something?"

"Yes! I said let me fight Stark I'm more experienced at fighting!"

Aldrich laughs. "No you don't! I-"

"I fought against the Avengers! Who have you fought against?"

"You lost against the Avengers."

"I killed one of them!"

"No you didn't. If you did, what's the person?"

"Selina Rose Fury."

" Daughter of Fury?"

"Yes, and my ex best friend."

"So, you kill your friend?"

"Only the ones who I want dead."

"Still no. I have my own Business with Stark."

I pouted. Your unfair."

"I'll let you get at least five hits." Aldrich said spinning around in his chair.


Selina POV:

Mailik and Loki started arguing back and fourth and it was giving me a headache. "Enough! You two are giving me a headache! What are you two even arguing about!?"

"This quim said my hair was stupid." Loki said glaring Mailik.

" He said I have two many teeth! I don't have the normal amount!"

What guys argue about....shame...

"Who started the argument?"

"Mailik did!" Loki said pointing at Mailik.

"I actually did."

I walked over to Mailik and jumped and hit him in the back of the head.

"Don't argue with Loki. It gets annoying."


The intercom turned on. "Will Selina Fury and Mailik Hill come to Director Fury,Will Selina Fury and Mailik Hill come to Director Fury."

"How lucky we are." I said sarcastically.

Mailik and I were walking down the hall when a girl starts walking towards us with black hair ad blue highlights.She saw Mailik and pulled out her phone and started texting. She kept walking walked into me knocking me over. "Watch were your going!" The girl yelled at me.

"Excuse me? You bumped into me!" I yelled back.

The girl put her phone away. "Who the hell do you think your talking to?!? I can tell Fury to fire you!"

"Oh really?" I got up off the floor.

"Yes. You better watch yourself!" She put her hands on her hips.

" You don't know who I am do you?"

"No, and I don't care."

" I think you should Helen." Mailik said.

"Why is that Mailik?" Said Helen.

"Wait, you two know each other? How?"

"Let's just say I had a life before I met you."

"Back to important matters, Mailik who is this bitch so I can get here fired." Helen took a piture of me with her phone.

"Don't call my girlfriend a bitch."

"Well, I'll call her a slut then."

"Oh I get it! Your talking about yourself,makes since."

Helen glared him.

"What's your name?"


Helen took out her phone again.

"Last name."


Helen stopped texting.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me bitch,I'm Selina Fury."

"Huh, I'd thought you be taller," Helen looked over her shoulder. "and in a bigger bra size."

Did she just say..........

I punched Helen in the throat she fell and startd gasping for air.

"You'll pay for that."

" Don't come near me our I'll," I bent down to her ear."Get you fired.Come on Mailik."

Mailik grabbed my hand and we walked to my dad.

"Hi dad."

"What took you so long?"

"I punched a girl named Helen in the throat."

Fury laughed a little.He ACTUALLY laughed.

"That's my girl."

I gave a small smile.

Fury picked up a file and and tosses it to me."You have a misssion."

Fury tossed the file to me.

"Your mission starts tommorow."


A/N: Next chapter going to be long~

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