Chapter 9

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I woke up in a dark room with a head splitting headache. I stood up and tried to walk to the door weakly.Something hard and metal was around both off my legs keeping me against the wall.

Something moved my hair out of my face.

"I never thought mortals could be beautiful." The person whisper crouching down.

I looked up slowly to see Loki.

I swatted his hand away.

"Don't touch me."

Loki snarled then slapped me making my face sting.

"You may not! Speak to me that way."

I looked down not wanting to look at his face.

"I can speak to you any way I want to, I'm not yours."

"You soon will be." Loki said coldly and walked out the room slamming the door.

I curled up into a ball and looked in my pockets to see if I had my phone or my ear piece, Loki must of took both off them.

I looked at my arc reactor, was forest green."

Who changed my arc reactor? ...Loki...

I looked at the chains on my legs and tried to break them. Whenever I hit them they got stronger.

Hours passed.

Loki came back in.

"I will release you once you must swear not to try to escape."

"I can't swear that. "

"Then I won't release you."


Loki sat down in front of me.

" Your partner, what ever his name is most likely looking for you."

"He's name is Mailik."

"Mailik," Loki said mockingly."What type of name is that?"

"His fathers."

"I'm very sorry for him."

That got me mad.

How dare he mock Mailik's name!

I reached for Loki's face and he backed up.

" Don't mock his name!"

Loki raised his eyebrow."Is this love? Selina?"

"Love is for children."

" Then what are you?"

"I'm a teenager, it's in between a child and a adult."

"I see." Loki said not really caring.

"Were did you take me?" I looked out a small window and saw St.Basil's Cathedral.

"Are we in Moscow!"

"I think, I don't know city's on Midgard."

I rolled my eyes.

"Why did you kidnap me and take me to a random place!"

"I needed a place to hide you."

"I have a idea, you could've not taken me at all!"

" I need you."


"I need you, your smart, and interesting.May I ask you a question?"


"Why do you have the same machinery in your body as Stark?"

" Remember when Patty stabbed me?"

"Yes, that was not a good day for me."

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