Chapter 23

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Selina POV:

I was crying so much I was starting to get a head ache...I couldn't stop though.

One of the agents watching Mailik came in."Sir,Mailik is alive." He said. Before anyone said anything else I was already running to Mailik.

I opened the door to Mailik. Mailik was sitting up and looking around. "Mailik!" I ran and hugged him. Mailik's body tensed. "Um...Do I know you?" Mailik asked pushing me off him. "Don't be silly,it's me Selina." I smiled. Mailik's face was clueless. "Your best friend,we've knowed each other since we were diapers." I said trying to ring a bell in his mind. "I have no clue who you are.Sorry." Mailik said shrugging. Carter came in. "Hey Carter." Mailik said as if they were friends.

"Seriously? You know who Carter is?" I asked. "Um, Carter's my best friend." Mailik said. "Best friend?" I laughed. "You have to be joking.You hate Carter." I said raising my voice a little. "Selina are you okay?" Carter asked standing behind me. "Yeah I'm fine,it's just that my best friend doesn't remember me!" I yelled at Carter. "Calm down. Maybe he's playing with you." Carter said. "Carter,who is this girl?Do you know her?" Mailik asked Carter. "She's my girlfriend." Carter hugged me from behind. "Carter, somethings wrong with Mailik. He doesn't remember me." Carter lit up. "That's horrible." Carter said. "Carter,I actually know this girl?" Mailik asked pointing at me. " Yes,you do.Snap out of whatever you're in and remember me!" I yelled at him. "That can't be right," Mailik shook his head. "If I knew you,you sure as hell wouldn't be dating Carter." Mailik said grinning. "We-" Carter covered my mouth with his hand. Carter laughed. "Selina, you should let Mailik rest. Let's go." Carter pulled me out of the room. I hit Carter in the stomach."What are you doing?! Didn't you see I was trying to make Mailik remember?" I said making my voice crack. "I know,but he should rest.He did almost die." Carter said trying to reason with me the best he could. I sighed. "Your right." I kissed Carter's cheek and walked away to my room.

Carter is wrong. He's rested enough. He needs to remember me. He...must remember.

I sharply turned a corner and began walking back to Mailik. I opened the door slowly and Mailik was looking at his phone frustrated. I walked up to him. "You again? Listen I don't care what you have to say unless you know the password to my phone." Mailik said typing in random letters in his phone. "Your password is Rose. Capitalize the r." I said. Mailik hesitated then typed it in and his screen unlocked. "Who's Rose? Is it like my first cat or something?" Mailik asked looking at things on his phone. "It's my middle name." I said sitting down on the bed. "Your kidding right? Your middle name? How long did you say we knew each other?" Mailik asked me placing his phone on the nearby table. "Since we were in diapers." I answered quickly. "I have this feeling that I do know you but, at the same time I have no clue who you are at all." Mailik said stairing at me. "Well, we do know each other.I was your girlfriend but I cheated and-" Mailik put his hands up to stop me. "Whoa,whoa,whoa,...You cheated? Ha! I don't believe it. Why would you cheat on something like me?" Mailik winked at me. "It was at a party.I left the party with Carter and the rest is not important."I said. "You were probably a virgin right?" Mailik asked me sitting back. "What?!" "Virgin.You were one right?Before you got with Carter." I didn't know how to answer couldn't speak. What if my dad's watching this...I don't want to answer this. "You weren't? Did we do it one night?" Mailik asked. "Let's change the subject.Right now." I said in a high pitched voice. "We did didn't we?" Mailik said poking my arm. I glared at him. "No need for a glare." Mailik said. "So, what do you remember from our recent mission?" I asked crossing my legs. " I remember going to a Hydra base with Carter and Claire and splitting with Claire.We were ambushed and something hit me from my back or front I don't remember.I was doing my awesome spin move and I was very dizzy. " Mailik said. "It's like all your memory of me is gone." I mumbled to myself. Mailikk shrugged. "Or,you could be lying." Mailik murmured to himself. "I'm not lying!" I yelled at Mailik standing up. "Take it easy.I was just kidding. How could you be with Carter and not tell when I tell a joke?" Mailik asked. "I don't really hear jokes a lot." I said shrugging. "You ne-" "Selina! There you are!" Carter came into the room. I could tell he was about to drag me out. "I was just talking." I said quickly before Cartee went to any conclusions. "How quickly you dissmiss our love." Mailik said grabbing his chest. "Shut up!" I hit Mailik in the arm makling him laugh. "Very funny,Mailik if you do or don't mind I'm taking my girlfriend away from you." Carter grabbed my arm and started pulling me away from Mailik. " See ya later Rose!" Mailik waved goodbye Carter dragged me out.

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