Chapter 24

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Selina POV:

Phillip came back with a bowl of marshmallows. "Marshmallows?" Philip looked at the bowl. “Marshmallows are good...."Loki took the bowl and threw them on the ground. “Get real food if you’re going to eat something." Phillip looked like he was about to cry. "I-I'm sorry...” Phillip stated picking up the marshmallows slowly. "That was mean Loki!" I yelled at Loki. "It was, hmm. Well, he should eat real food," Loki said. “Let’s return to practice. “Loki handed Phillip straight daggers. "Your daggers seemed broken. Phillip looked at the daggers with awe. "Cool..." I rolled my eyes. “Anyway, let’s continue." Carter coughed and mumbled, "You can't throw." I glared at him. "Shut up!" Carter laughed. I took a dagger and threw it.

I missed the whole target...

"Great job." Loki said flatly. "Shut up!" I took another dagger and threw it. I missed again. Carter snickered.  "Shut up!" I yelled at him. "Okay, are you done embarrassing yourself?" Loki asked. I sighed and stepped back. Loki started throwing daggers each one hit perfectly. Phillip was watching Loki in awe.

My dad walked in, Loki immediately disappeared. "How's training going?" "It's going well! Phillip is doing great!" Phillip looked around." Where did Lo- “Carter covered Phillip's mouth. My dad looked at Carter suspiciously. "I think Phillip has to... go to the bathroom!" Carter picked up Phillip and walked out. My dad looked suspiciously at me. I nervously laughed. “So... Phillip's doing well!" I smiled and did a thumbs up. "Good.  What are you teaching him?" “I’m t-" " Hey Rose, can I talk to you?" Mailik asked leaning against the door. "Sure!" I quickly walked out. “Do I really know you, or were you trying to prank me?" Mailik asked with his arms crossed. “I really know you, seriously. No pranging. You’re my best friend." Mailik raised his eyebrow. “I’m serious!" I yelled. “Whoa, no need to yell. I'm not accusing you of murder. " Mailik put his hands out. Mailik's mom whistled at us from the end of the hall. "Guys, meeting. I sighed. "Why? I don't wanna go!" I whined. Mailik’s mom raised her eye at me and crossed her arms. “I mean coming!" I walked with Mailik and sat down. My dad was talking with Malik's mom. Carter was also sitting with his feet up. "Mailik, come here." His mom said. "Why does he get to get up!? If he gets up, we'll all get up! There will be anarchy!" Carter said sitting up in his seat. “Shut up!" I yelled at him. Carter crossed his arms and slouched in his seat. “Are you serious? Okay. “Mailik said shrugging. “What?" I said sitting up. “Mailik is being sent to a facility.” My dad answered." Why?" I asked immediately. "That's classified." He said. I noticed he was folding a file with Mailik's name on it.

"What's that?" I pointed at the file. "Classified." My dad said putting the file bring him. " Fine." I crossed my arms and sat back in my seat. "How long is he going to be gone?" I asked. "As long as he needs to be." My dad said, he looked at his watch. "He's leaving in forty five minutes." I clenched my fist. "It's not fair!" I yelled loudly. Everyone became silent. "Selina, maybe it's a good thing that he leaves. We could be part-" I glared Carter. "Carter, shut the fuck up! God! You’re not appear of this conversation! At all!" I yelled at Carter.  Carter blinked a few times and stayed quite.

~45 Minutes Later~

I was sadly waving Mailik goodbye.  Forever maybe. I don't know.

I walked back inside, Carter looked somewhat happy. "Why are you so happy?" I asked. “No more Mailik, no it's just you and me." Carter smiled. "Sure.” I said stiffly. "Loosen up were going on a date.” Carter picked me up and put me over his shoulder. "Gee... Thanks.” I said punching his back once.

My watch went off. "Carter, put me down. I need to change." I said struggling. Carter put me down. "Hurry. I have a lot planned. “Carter said pushing me into my room. I got my case and began to change. "You’re not going to help me are you?" I jumped and saw Loki standing behind me. "Do you ever knock?" I closed my case. "I asked you a question first. Are you going to help me defeat Thanos or not?" “Honestly, I don't think I can help you. Mailik's gone. I'm pretty much useless. Just get someone else to help you." I said walking to my door. Loki grabbed my arm. "I have no one else, trying to rule Earth is something Midgards say is hard to forgive. I'll bring Mailik back, as soon as he's back your helping me No procrastinating. “I pulled my arm away. “Fine." I walked out. "You took a while. Secretly have to polish it?" I rolled my eyes. "Shut up.”

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