Chapter 4

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I ran towards some stairs and I saw hulk coming after me. I grabbed some railing and went through it.

"Bruce,I know your in there, You don't want to kill me do you?"

Hulk stopped for a second then he tried to grab me.I got up and started running. Hulk gave a earsplitting roar and started chasing after me.

I shot a pipe and some steam cam out and got in Hulks face.Hulk ran through the steam and ran towards me and hit my side making me fly and hit the wall.

"Fuck...that..hurt like hell." I coughed up some blood.

Hulk started running to me and Thor flew through the wall and took Hulk with him.

"Agent S Fury come in." My dad said on my ear piece.

" I'm all right."

" Medics are coming to you."

I four medics came and cleaned my small cuts.I found my dad around the corner.

" Glad to see you okay." My dad said.

I smiled. My dad lead me to Liz.

"Oh my god your okay!" Liz hugged the living hell out of me.

"Were's Patty?"

Liz looked pissed.

"She left with Loki. I think he got to her."

"Crazy bitch." I shook my head.

Liz smirked a little.Liz and I looked around Shield to find more Avengers then Liz tripped me.

"Bitches be tripping!!" Liz laughed.

I got of the floor." Bitches be laughing."

Liz stopped laughing."Not cool."

"Not cool tripping me!"


We found Mailik eating a sandwich.

"Were the hell gave you been?"

Mailik stopped eating and turned around.

"Training, Hanging out with MY friends and now, I'm eating a sandwich."

"You didn't hear any off the huge all."

"There was a explosion? Cool."

I facepalmed. I let Mailik finish his sandwich and Mailik joined us. And we found Stark and Rogers.

"Hey g-"

"Tell Fury that We know were Loki is!" Tony said running by me.

I found my dad around the corner.

"Dad! Tony knows were Loki is!"


I saw Stark and quin jet going towards Stark towers.

"One question... Ca-"


"Please!" I made puppy dog eyes.

"Fine.Bring Mailik with you."

I grabbed Mailik and ran to the nearest quin jet.Mailik pulled back.

" Can you drive a quin jet?"

"Nope. But I can try!"

"If you kill me, I will haunt you with guilt."

I rolled my eyes and sat down in the pilot seat and Mailik sat in the passengers seat. 



 I drove the quin jet out of the helicarer and drove to Stark towers.I crashed in front of Stark towers.

"You almost killed me. But, you didn't."

"That's all you can say."

Mailik gave his famous smirk.We walked out and things started attacking us. Mailik shot it in the head.

"  If there more of those.. things around, be careful."

" I can protect myself."

"Sure you can."

Mailik and I found Romanoff and Rogers fighting more of the things.

Mailik started shooting along with Romanoff.I put one of my many attachments I can put on the end of my staff,this time I put a sharp point and stabbed one of the things in it's stomach.

"What are these things?" I asked anyone who knew.

"There called Chitari " Romanoff said.

I looked up and on one of the Chitari flying things I saw Patty and Loki.

"Mailik!  We need to find a way to get on one of the flying things!"

"Why!" Mailik shot more Chitari. 

"Can't that wait for later!"

"You don't understand!" Patty joined forces with Loki!" I hit two Chitari at the same time.

"I call dibs to hit her after you!" 

"Hey Cap, Mailik and I need a lift!"

"For what?"Cap asked.

"You probably won't understand!"


Cap got his Shield ready as two flying things approached. I ran first and grabbed onto the back of the flying thing. I stabbed both the Chitari's and threw them off.

I looked behind me and I saw Mailik flying behind me.I drove around for a while and I found Patty and Loki. I drove behind them and Loki landed on Stark towers and they both got off.


A/N: Hi! I was working on my other story so much I forgot about all about this one.

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