Chapter 26

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A agent holding a small envelope to Fury, in bold black printed letters the envelope read                                 

                                                                Mailik Fury- DECEASED

Carter P.O.V.

                           Finally. He's gone. I thought was going to have to kill him myself. 

I heard Selina crying in her room. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. Selina opened the door, eyes streaming with tears. "What?" She said with a small sniff. She's so cute....The things I do to her now without her now without getting killed by Mailik.  I hugged her tightly, her face in my chest. "I'm sorry for lost, I heard the news this morning. I would've came sooner, but I didn't know where you where." Selina started sobbing. " I hate my dad for sending him there! He could've remembered me here!" Selina wailed, sobbing loudly. "Ssh, it's okay. He's funeral is in a hour. You should get dressed. I'll escort you." I kissed her head and gently pushed her inside. She closed the door.

I smirked. She's so sad because of that asshole. I honestly don't give a flying fuck about his death, I'm glad he's gone. I should call that assassin back and tell her he's dead. On my to do list.  I walked down the hallway and saw the casket. With no body in it, supposedly his plane crashed and burned it.  I wish it was still able to be viewed. I wanted to see it.  I bumped into, well, she bumped into me. She was balling her eyes out, much, much, more than Selina. She ran pass me. Jeez. 

Helen P.O.V:

I was crying so hard I had a headache. How could Mailik just die?! I know he loved me, he would've fell for me...With his memory gone and everything. I ran into a empty training room and locked the door.  He can't be dead, he can't! It's all Selina's fault. She took him on that mission and got my Mailik hurt. Now he's dead!  Someone's started knocking on the door. "I have this room reserved for my partner and I. Open up." 

I wiped my eyes and opened the door, trying to give my best poker face. I clearly failed. "Are you okay miss? Is something wrong?" I sniffed and pushed by the person.  He can't be dead, he can't. 

~Hour later~ 

Selina P.O.V

I've been crying, for about three hours non stop.

This was my fault. All my fault. If I didn't go on that mission in the first place, he would've never died. Well...Not the way he did. My fault... 

I sat up in my bed and, wiping my tears. Crying my ass off isn't going to bring him back.. I stood and walked out my room, everyone was giving my pitiful looks and whispered to whoever they were beside, looking at me. 

Stop it...Stop looking at me as if I'm a widower of my husband... 

I walked to into a training room and sat behind the door. I felt my tears brimming my eyes. I wasn't going to cry. I wasn't. I cried for three damn hours, If I cried any more, I'd probably die of dehydration. 

I'm just going to practice and not cry. Practice. Practice. Practice..

I walked to my staff and began to practice. Alone. All alone. By myself. No assistance. 


Carter P.O.V.

I can do so much now, just thinking of the possibilities... This is better than I imagined!! I can take her on dates, make out with her, and much, much, much more... 

I smiled thinking of the many possibilities. Amazing.  

My phone began to ring and I answered. I quickly answered.

"What?" I asked, still having a tinge of excitement in my voice. "There, was a small problem with the mission, but the mission was successful. " A voice said on the other side. "Great, I'll pay you up front like we arranged this afternoon." I said, walking a little bit away from other agents that might listen in. "Good. Do you wish to see the body?" 

"Absolutely. Why wouldn't I? " I smirked saying. "Okay, to let you know, his body is still in once piece because a prototype went rogue and strangled him to death, killing him of course." The voice said informing. "I don't give a shit how he died. I only care that he's dead NEVER EVER did you hear me? NEVER fucking ever coming back."  "I understood, he's never coming back. Rest a- I need to go." The voice immediately ended the call. 

Jeez. Bye then. 

I walked around Shield with a proud smirk on my face. 


Selina POV: 

Fuck practicing. I'm useless without him. I need him. 

I need him. 

I tossed my staff on the ground and sat against the wall. What am I going to do without him? Find a new partner, "fall in love with him" as I did Mailik and live "happily" ever after? 


I'm not doing that. I need to get over this, be independent. I can fight just as well without Mailik being a wall to protect me. I'm strong, skilled and... and... I sighed. Useless. I need Mailik and I can't help it. 

I have a new partner now.


Forget about Mailik.

Live on.


I sighed again. I stood up and dragged myself to the door and left the training room. 

Elizabeth POV: 

I can't stop crying. 

I need to stop. 


I'm hiding in supply closet, the lowest of crying places. I need to get out of here but...I can't. can't raise my self esteem. I can't  face the other Shield agents whispering about me being the other woman. 

Why did Mailik have to die? What did he do to deserve this? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So many other people in this world actually deserve death but Mailik didn't. He never would. Ever. I'll kill whoever killed him.

Carter POV: 

Minutes pased.

Hours passed.

Where they hell are they? I said this afternoon didn't I? I recalled. Again. No answer. If something happened to whoever I was going to meet, I'm going to be pissed. Hell, I'm already pissed. This might be the last time I work with this company. Not happy.

As soon as I get ready to leave and file a angry complaint to the company, a truck speeds around the corner. 


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