Destiny child

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"Agent S Fury please wake up." My dad yelled into the intercom.Yes, I said my dad. I'm Selina Fury the only child of the legendary Nick Fury, also the only person that actually lives on the helicarier.

I got up and put on my shield uniform and put on my signature clip on my suit that says Haters gonna hate. I walked out of my room and went to get some breakfast.

I got a poptart and sat down next to Liz and patty who were eating like two kid Thor's.

"How are my two favorite people?"

"We are dazed, but good.How are you?"Liz replied.

"Tired as hell,but good." I replied trying to open my poptart.

My dad came and standed behind me and took my poptart and opened it and gave it back to me.

" Thought you needed help."

I gave a annoyed look at my dad.

"I didn't need help."

My dad gave a small nod and walked back over to his conversation with Hill.

"I heard that you have a training session with hottie with the body."

I almost choked on my poptart letting out a loud cough making the whole breakfast area look at me.

"I'm fine."

Everyone looked away.I looked back at Liz and Patty snickering behind their forks.

"Oh stop it!" I whisper yelled at them.

They both cleared their throats and stopped laughing.I finished eating and went to the training room. I walked in to see only Mailik there.I opened the weapons closest and got my metal staff and walked over to Mailik who was reading.I sat next to him and looked at the tittle of the book The great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald.

"Have you ever read it?" Mailik said slightly above a whisper.

"I never read it." I said trying not to sound nervous.

Agents Romanoff and Barton came in which made me jump a little.

"Today's lesson is, learn how to do one move together." Barton explained.

Mailik and I both looked at them in confusion.

"What?" I asked.

"We'll show you what we mean." Romanoff said.

Agent Barton set up thirteen practice dummies in a circle.Agent Barton went up on a ledge and agent Romanoff went in the middle of the circle.Agent Barton shot a arrow and agent Romanoff caught it and threw it at one of the dummies. Agent Barton shot twelve more arrows and agent Natasha caught each on and threw is at each dummy.After they were finished agent Barton jumped down off the ledge and walked with agent Romanoff toward us and stopped right in front of us.

"Do you understand now?" Agent Romanoff asked us.

We both stood up and nodded.

"Good.Both of you make up a move that both of you have to work equally to acomplish. You will start working on it right now.Come get us when your done."

Agent Barton said.

Agent Romanoff and Barton left leaving me with the hottest teen in Shield... thanks.

" Go to the other wall and rotate your staff very fast." Mailik said getting his two guns.

" If you shoot me I'll kill you."

I told Him pointing my staff in his face.

Mailik smirked and pushed my staff away from his face." I promise I won't shoot you."

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