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Time skip of 10 years

26 year old Lily danced with her 16 year old sister, while being what by the love of Lily's life; Lauren. Lily couldn't help but smile over at her newly wedded wife, grinning at her.

Lauren's blonde/blue hair trailed down her back as she stepped over to the pair.

Delila and Luke sat at the table grinning. Luke's ryes traced over to Alex with his son laying in his arms as his girlfriend messed with his hair playfully,

"Such a beautiful wedding," Liz smiled at Delila.

"I know, I'm really proud of Lily." Luke smiled, Delila nodded along with him happily.

"She so pretty." The sixteen year old Clifford triplets giggled.

Delila looked around, from her husband, to his band mates, to her son, her daughter and then finally landing on her youngest.

She gave a content smile before leaning her head on Luke's, looking up at him and whispering.

"I made it."


Lol so emotional

Love you guys! That's it!!!!!!

Hope you had fun enjoy❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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