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Lily: 6
Alex: 7

It was different living with Liz, she liked to take good care of everyone and I hadn't eaten since the fire. It was started by a burnt magazine of Luke and I's wedding photos.

The police said whatever was my fault has something to do with the fact I got married to Luke.

"It couldn't be a jealous fan or something?" I questioned as Luke plopped beside me.

"Babe, stop worrying about it." He said and kissed my head.

There was a knock on the door and Liz went to answer it as Andy was feeding Lily and Alex at the table.

"Delila, the police want to speak with you, is that okay right now?" Liz asked, I nodded and  the officer walked in, sitting in front of me. He looked at me and gave a weak smile.

"Hello, Mrs Hemmings, now I've spoken to your husband but we didn't find out anything else, and I'd like to know if you could think of anyone that could possibly want to hurt you." The officer asked. I shook my head gently, and was about to say no but it clicked.

"Joshua Donohue." I said, Luke rolled his eyes.

"Officer, she thinks a man is stalking her but I've never seen him, he used to bully her, she thinks he's every-"

"I'm not crazy, you make me out to be crazy just stop it!" I argued. Luke just left and I groaned.

"He's been stalking me since I got married, I'm telling you now. If it was anyone it'd be him." I told the police officer, he took note and nodded.

"I will go check him out, anyone else in mind?" He questioned me further, I shook my head and he thanked me before leaving.

I pulled the blanket further around my shoulders sighing to myself, Luke thought I made it all up, like I was going insane.

I stood up rushing to the room I slept in, maybe I am? Who knows anyway...

Safe & Sound. (Save You Trilogy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora