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Lily: 5

Alex: 7

"Happy birthday Alex." I whispered as I tried to wake him up. His eyes shot open and I giggled as he jumped up.

"It's my birthday!" He squealed, I nodded and pulled him into a big hug.

"We're gonna go have pancakes now." I smiled as he grinned with excitement.

"I hope I got that super duper scooter." I mentally fist pumped knowing Luke had got it. I quickly woke up Lily before rushing downstirs to the birthday boy.

"Hey my big man." Luke said bending down to give him a hug, I grinned talking a picture and posting it to twitter.

Dad giving the birthday boy his birthday hug XD. twitpic145_262

I sat down on the couch pulling Lily into my lap, she was still in her onesie. Luke made Alex pancakes for breakfast and he sat at the table eating them with a big grin. We offered Lily some but she didn't want any.

I kept cuddling with Lily, while Alex ate all his food.

"So I guess you're wondering where all the prezzie's are." I began and Alex nodded.

"Well they're at a special persons house, she lives with a man and a very old dog." I tried to hin, Alex jumped up and clapped his hands.

"NAN AND GRANDAD!" Alex screamed, I nodded and he began to jump around. Alex loved Liz and Andy almost as much as I did.

"Let's go." I chuckled and carried Lily upstairs to get her dressed, Alex dresed himself into his black shorts and plaid shirt, Luke fixed his hair. Lily was dressed in a summer dress that Liz had bought and I brushed Lily's hair leaving it down.

I made them brush their teeth before tumbling down stairs to the car.

"How is Molly?" I asked Luke, he simply shrugged, she was getting tired now and in pain but Andy doesn't want to put her down.

I strapped in Alex and Lily before playing All Time Low as we drove our way to the Hemmings' household.

When we pulled up, Molly was laying in the sun outside while their door was wide open.

"MOLLY!" Alex and Lily screamed making the poor thing jump and lift her head to see them.

I got out once Luke parked and opened their doors, grinning as once I had unbelted them, they ran to Molly.

"Hey girl." Luke smiled bending down to smooth her, I grinned and carried on walking inside, smiling at the balloons and banners.

"Ahh, my darling boy." Liz exclaimed and rushed over to Alex I grinned as Andy followed. Luke gave him a hug before I did.

"Nice to see you again Delila." I gave a smile before saying the same,he then turned to find Liz pining over the kids.

"And how's my favourite grandaughter." Andrew smiled picking up Lily, she smiled and hugged him. I had to take a photo.

Grandad and favourite grandaughter :* x

I chuckled at Luke who was being hugged to death by his mum and had to take another photo.

The I haven't see you in 5 monts hug, better go supply oxygen to him :'D

I grinned, Liz put Luke down and hugged Lily before coming over to me.

"Hello Delila." Liz smiled and squeezed me, I giggled, squeezing her back.

"Nice to see you again, Liz." I smiled, she nodded before she raced Alex into the next room. I walked in following everyone into the living room

where presents laid in bags near the TV.

Everyone sat on the couch while Alex ripped through his presents in joy and excitement.

"OH MY GOSH ITS THE SUPER DUPER SCOOTER!" He yelled and we all laughed. He jumped up blurting endless thank you's before he continued to open his gifts.

"From Molly, nan and grandad." I smiled as he had read the tag on the other present. He opened it and a bucket of dinosaurs were on display.

"Alex and his bucket full of dinosaurs!" Luke exclaimed, making us all chukle. Lily came over and cuddled up on my lap, Liz looked at me as to say I wasn't doing the right thing and I know I shouldn't always treat Lily as a baby but I couldn't help it.

"Delila can I speak a moment?" Liz said standing up, I nodded Lily on the couch, she tried to crawl onto Luke.

"No, Luke." Liz and Andrew said, Luke tried to keep Lily off as we left the room.

"You know she'll only get more attached." Liz told me.

"I know but I don't want her to never not need me." I mumbled, Liz nodded and sighed.

"Delila, I know what being a mom means, okay, I had three boys. Lily will not learn that being away from mommy is good. You should have taught her this when she was a baby beause now she can speak, run, hit, it will be a lot harder." I nodded, knowing she was right.

"DADDY!" I walked in and saw Lily screaming as she cried and jumped on her dad who kept moving her off, she started slapping Luke who was covering himself in shock. I ran over and grabbed her, pulling her off Luke.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" I screeched, Lily suddenly looked scared.

"You never hit! Now apologise and then go sit on the naughty step." I told her and she cried holding out her hands to be picked up. I took Liz's advice and took a deep breath before looking her dead in the eye and said, "No. Now go to the step."

Lily put her hands down and stomped her way to the stairs.

"Right, sorry about that Alex, carry on." I said and sat down to Luke, my heart aching as Lily's tears were etched into my brain.

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