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Alex: 12
Lily: 11
Violet: 1
Brooklyn: 1
Adam: 1
Jasey: 1

I picked up the uniform and dropped it at the end of Lily's bed. I gently poked her, she shook herself awake before looking at me and smiling. She was excited about her first day at big school and to be honest, I wasn't. She hasn't had a permanent friend. Just a few off and ons with other kids.

She got herself dressed before eating her breakfast and then going to brush her teeth, she grinned and came to sit on my lap. I brushed her hair, which was practically straight before swinging it up into a pony.

She grabbed her backpack before standing at the door. Alex was up and looking rough as hell, Luke laughed at him as he straightened him out, with Violet on his hip.

"Right, I have studio, so are you staying home or going to Jade's, Michael's going to the studio too." Luke told me while strapping Violet into her baby seat.

"Yeah, I'll just got to Mike's." I muttered and we all climbed into the car. Luke was the first out, wishing the kids the best of luck in the New Year of school.

I pulled up at the school and Alex saw his friends waving before getting out of the car. Lily remained in her seat.

"Go on honey, have a good day."

"I don't want to go." Her face started to crease and her lip quivered.

"What if they don't like me?" She stammered, her fear evident throughout her voice.

"They will, don't think like that, it'll be fine, I promise." I told her, I was so scared for her.

"Okay bye mum, love you." She said before getting out and rushing away.

I gave a sigh at how fast she'd grown up, before driving away listening to Violet ramble on in her own language.

Lily's P.O.V

I walked in, I was really scared.

I saw the room my form was put in and entered, I wasn't the first one there but I certainly wasn't the last.

I saw girls with handbags, nothing like my backpack. I saw a girl from my old school and walked over.

"Hello Jessica." I grinned gently.

"Go away freak." She spat and before I knew it I felt bad already. I sat on the other side of everyone, sighing to myself.

I wanted to go home.

Delila's P.O.V

I pulled up in the car park, I sighed at the sight of Alex and his friends recklessly running around the car park. I honked to him which made him angry, and he stormed over.

"Where's your sister?" I asked him angrily.

"I don't know, I'm not a baby sitter." He sasses, I gave him a glared before undoing my seat belt just in time to see her rush around the corner. When her eyes met mine she put on a fake smile. I watched her get in with a grin.

"How was it honey?" I asked, she thought about what she was gonna say before replying with a fine.

I nodded and drove back home, worrying more and more about my daughter.

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