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Lily: 6

Alex: 7

Charlotte: 5

Lucy: 5

I was at the park with Calum, his kids and my two bundles of joy, who weren't very joyful throughout the holidays.

Luke was back in the studio, preparing for tour and I decided to go to the park with the little ones. I was pushing Lily on the swing when I saw Josh and Ella approach.

Lily immediately went to play with Ella, I just sat on the swing myself watching Calum help his little girls. Josh occupied the swing next to me.

"How's work?" I never told Josh I was working during the holidays, I hadn't seen him since the holiday began. Josh knew a lot more about my life than I'd told him and I was working out why.

"Oh I'm not working." I lied, he suddenly tensed.

"Yes you are, I sa-you told me you are!" His voice raised quickly.

"No, I'm not, I'm not working, it's the holidays, I work in a nursery and its holiday now." I kept denying it.

"You're working holiday shifts in Costa!" He exclaimed, I turned to him.

"Where are you getting this, gosh?" I asked him, even though he was right.

"I saw you going to work there."

"Are you following me and my family?" I burst out, he'd shown up wherever we'd go, usually to the park, but I'd seen him. Now, the penny finally dropped, Josh was stalking us which is why he'd appeared in so many places, why he always switched jobs and why they were always close to me.

"No! Don't b-be so ridiculous!" He argued.

"Calum! Alex! Girls! We're going!" I yelled and quickly rounded up everyone before rushing off home.

Calum kept asking what the rush was, I explained and we both turned back to see Josh following. I ran with the kids all the way back to Luke and I's house.

Once I was home I felt safe, that was until I saw Josh on our CCTV. I picked up my phone dialling the police number as I shook.

"Police how may I help you?" The woman spoke.

"There's a guy who has been following me and my family for over a month, I need you to arrest him." I cried into the phone.

"I'm sorry but there's no evidence, you will need evidence." I slammed the phone down, shaking as I plopped myself on the floor, I'd never felt unsafe in this home since Luke was kidnapped and that was about 6 years ago.

Calum walked in and pulled me into his chest.

"It was all a trick, everything and I don't even know why he did it?" I was crying into Calum, I was worried more than scared, I didn't know what he wanted.

"He's been following me all this time, the nursery(Endlessly-7.Sick Day), in the shop (Endlessly-12.Shopping), the ice cream van, everything it's all been a massive plan." I started to hyperventilate and my breathing became irregular.

"Delila, calm down, It's okay, we'll sort it, Delila breathe." I couldn't my heart was beating hard in my chest and I heard the door open and close, Luke came into my view just as I began to black out.


I woke up in a cold sweat, my forehead had a towel on and my body was dripping.

"Luke?" I whimpered, a tuft of blonde hair raced in and his concerned blue eyes met mine.

"Hey sweetie, you okay?" He questioned, I sat up and he took the flannel from my head, replacing it with a kiss.

"What happened?" I questioned softly.

"You fainted, Calum thinks it was a panic attack." I nodded, looking over at him with a weary look.

"I want to take you back to the doctors..." Luke began.

"What? Why!?" I exclaimed.

"I'm scared your anxiety has come back." Luke muttered, taking my hand in his, I snatched it away, shaking my head.

"Luke, it wasnt one, I don't need to see a doctor, I passed aout because I was stressed, I'm perfectly fine now, The doctors didn't know then so they don't need to know now!" I yelled, he gave a deep sigh before standing up.

"I'm gonna go pick up Lily and Alex from Cal's, be back in a minute." He said before driving off. I stood up stretching and yawning, once I re-opened my eyes I saw Josh peering into the window. I screamed before running to lock the door and hiding under the table. I started counting to ten as my heart beat raced and before I knew it Luke had returned home.

I heard everyone pile in and Lily noticed me.

"Daddy, why is mummy on the floor?"

"What?" Luke asked concerned, she pointed down at me under the table and I climbed out, grabbing her.

"Boo! I was trying to scare you!" I called and scooped her up, I put her down and she ran off.

"Why were you under the table?" Luke questioned concerned and confused.

"Josh a-appeared in the window, we have a s-stalker Luke." I stuttered, Luke looked at me confused.

"Who's Josh and why would anyone stalk us?" Luke chuckled.

"I'm serious, Josh is Tommy's cousin, he's been following us." I stared to shake again.

"Li, I think we'd notice if we were being followed." He said and I started to tear up.

"Luke please believe me." I begged, he simply picked up my hands, kissed my head before hushing me.

"Let's get you to bed, you've had a busy day." He said and I shook my head, he practically dragged me upstairs and pinned me to the bed, I refused to sleep but it wasn't long before I had fallen asleep to the soft words Luke had sung.

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