"Yes. Specifically interrogated about anything having to do with Lucille."

The chief paled. Most of Amora's subjects knew about Lucille by then, so he assumed the dark with her would be her former owner.

"I will do it myself, your majesty."

"Thank you. I will be watching."

"Of course, sire."

He stalked to the throne room, and the few courtiers that were seeking him out quickly forgot what they needed and bowed as he past. They had never seen him this incensed with anything, ever. He went into a little room next to the throne room and turned on the screens, standing and not reclining into the rolly chair. One he switched to the camera in the hall outside of Lucy's room, and the others he put on each interrogation room until he found whichever Dirg was put in. He took the few minutes of silence to calm himself down.

The terms of the treaty stated that if a skyrunner of the opposite kind was found in the other's realm, then that skyrunner could only be judged by an opposite kind of equal or higher rank. Thus, there were three people that could judge Dirg, King Amora, Queen Patricia, and the heir to the throne. Queen Patricia was away, so that left the judgment of Dirg's actions up to the king. He was glad that he held the deciding opinion. In the mood he was in, the number one option for how to punish this upstart that so hurt his daughter was to chop off his head and send it as a declaration of war to his father.

That idea was so appealing that the king of the light skyrunners was having trouble coming up with any other option. There was that nagging thought at the back of his mind that he didn't want to go to war. He wouldn't care about the dark deaths, only what would happen to his own people. If Lucille's brokenness was any indication of dark damage, Amora didn't care if he wiped out the whole lot of them and thought the world would probably be a better place. He had no idea what his father was thinking when he realized he had the capacity to take down the darks and instead chose to forge a peace with that power over them.

Finally, his chief of police walked into interrogation room one with the newly shaven, black winged Dirg. Amora switched all but the screen on the hospital hall to different camera angles from around that room. This boy was definitely spawn of Zinx, with pretty much the same face but his mother's eyes.

He turned on the audio and stood with his arms crossed, studying the man that broke his daughter.

"State your name, rank and occupation." The chief said.

"Dirg Oina Zinx, Crown Prince, and no other occupation."

"Why are you in the land of eternal light?"

Dirg seemed defeated and compliant, his eyes roaming around and his posture submissive.

"My father, King Zinx of the dark skyrunners, gave me a list of missions to complete before I am able to take the throne. One of these was to sneak in here, stay a week, and then sneak out."

"How long have you been here?"

"Six days."

"Where were you when Princess Lucille cut herself?"

He hesitated. "I was in a cell with my back to the hall outside."

"Did you know she was there?"

"Yes. She was talking to me."

King Amora felt a pang of jealousy and hatred swell up within him. She talked to him? Amora had yet to hear her voice, and he had tried everything to get her to even laugh.

"What did she say?"

"To sum it up, she hates loving me and I broke her and she was trying to make the both of us happy by killing herself."

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