Goodbye,But Forever?

Start from the beginning

With all those good memories came bad ones, like my breakup with Riccardo and leaving this place heartbroken. I was also leaving with a fact that would probably haunt me forever and that was the truth of what Riccardo and his family truly were. I came here oblivious to what really lies out there in this world to leave knowing something that I'd never even imagined was possible.

Leaving Riccardo was hard but I knew it was right, there was no way I could spend my life with specie of his kind, I just wasn't brave or strong enough to do so. Maybe I could've asked for him come see me off at the airport to say one final goodbye?

I shook my head, no, that wouldn't be wise at all; it was difficult saying goodbye once I doubted I would be able to say it again.

"Going without a goodbye Tiana." I felt my heart almost jump out of my chest at the sudden appearance of James.

I put a hand over my chest and took in a breath. "God, you scared me."

"Sorry, I thought you'd be used to people creeping up on you now." he said.

I looked at him with a frown and he grinned. "You do know the truth about us now, right?"

I nodded.

We sat in silence for a moment before James broke it and said without looking at me. "I'm glad with the decision you made." he turned to look at me, "You have no idea how dangerous it is for you here."

"What do you mean? I know it's dangerous for me knowing what you are but how does me staying here become more dangerous?"

James didn't answer me but just looked at me blankly, or more like stared. He was staring so deeply that I actually felt a shiver run up my spine; it was as if he was reading me by merely looking at me.

"Hi Tiana." My stare down with James was short lived by the sound of Gabriella's soft voice.

I smiled up at her and stood up, I noticed Gabriella's body make a move towards me but she stopped. Before I could say anything James cleared his throat and stood up, pulling his jacket straight he said, "I'll leave you ladies to talk alone." He kissed Gabriella at the side of her head and looked at me, "Have a safe journey back home Tiana." He said and walked off.

"I wasn't too sure whether I should've come or not." Gabriella mumbled, looking slightly awkward. I wasn't used to Gabby looking so out of place or at a loss of words because the Gabriella I knew was bold and confident.

I genuinely smiled at her. "I'm glad you did."

Her face lightened up with a smile. "You mean that?"

"Of course I do." I told her honestly. I knew what she was and maybe I could never come to terms with the idea of dating her brother because of what he was but Gabriella was nothing but nice to me and I couldn't just ignore the friendship we shared because of what she was.

Something came into my mind and suddenly my stomach was in knots and my heart started racing, I composed myself and asked. " he-"

Gabriella shook her head with a small smile. "Ric didn't come; he said he'd honour your wish." She paused to probably read my face and then continued, "no matter how much it hurt him to not see you for one last time."

I felt my heart clench hearing her words, I hated knowing that Riccardo was hurting and even though I know I should be forgetting about him and everything that involved him but I couldn't help it.

Gabriella probably sensed how I was feeling because the next thing she said put me at a slight ease. "He'll be fine though."

I didn't know what to say to her when she spoke of her brother, should I lie and say that I'm glad that he'd be okay or should I say that I didn't care how he felt?

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