The final chapter

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Sam's P.O.V

After a week I started to feel better. Niall kept worrying about me. I told him that I was okay but he knew I still felt sick inside. Niall Horan of One direction was worrying about me and I had sex with another man. If only I had signed the deal or fought harder or something. I know I didn't want it but it happened and I couldn't erase the memories. The police were trying to track them down. Laura has been amazing helping me. She has taught me alot. I can’t spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder. Plus Niall won’t be leaving my side for a while... When they are at work Laura is with me and when Laura has left one of the boys are with me. Mainly Niall or dad. Laura had just gone downstairs to get the mini fridge refilled.

'Hey beautiful.'

Niall came in and his smile made me feel better. He was followed by the other 4 boys and to my surprise Danielle and El followed too.

'Hey girls!'

They had brought me flowers and chocolates. I love them so much. They also brought me a magazine. I was on the front cover. They asked me to read the article. It had explained what had happened to me. I couldn't be mad with anyone seeing as it was in the paper the day after it had happened... By this time Laura had come back and she was also watching me intently reading the article. Harry had his arms wrapped around her and he looked happier than ever. This made me smile and relax more. It was a while that all 5 boys had been smiling together. The next bit in the magazine was what Niall had added. It was asking for people to donate to rape charities for people like me. The charity had checked on me and been supportive, I had checked if I was pregnant, thankfully I’m not but they were still supportive in helping me with anything. It also added a quote from Niall himself. 'I am so truly, madly, deeply, in love with Samantha Jones'. This stuck in my head for a while before I realised the truth. Niall had admitted to the press and announced me as his girlfriend. I looked at him and smiled. I was one of them. I was a one direction girl... I got out of bed and gave him the biggest hug ever.

'Niall Horan... I love you too! And all your little things...'

Everyone cheered and clapped. But all I cared about was being in Niall’s arms. His blue eyes looking at me. It brought tears to my eyes to be this lucky.

'Sam there is a reason why everyone is here...' Niall started a speech

'Ever since i persuaded you to go on our first date there has not been a day when I haven't thought about you Sam. That first kiss by the river was the best moment of my life and I wish I could relive it every day. You are my world. Those few days without you were torture and now I regret ever leaving you and I want you to know I will never leave you again. Where ever I go, you go, I will fight harder for you to come with me. I don't ever want to leave you again and I don't ever want to lose you.'

He got down on one knee and pulled out a blue box. I couldn't believe this. Everyone else in the room knew about this and had huge grins on their faces.

'Samantha Jones, please will you become Samantha Horan, my wife? And be with me forever.'

I nodded my head and held him so tight. I couldn't let him go. He was so perfect. There was a knock on the door.

'Hey sweetheart... The police have some news'

Dad looked at me and saw the beautiful diamond ring on my finger, he ran and swung me round.


He seemed delighted...

'Sorry, Congratulations miss Jones... Seems like it's a good day for you. We have found them and caught the men.'

Everyone let out a sigh of relief. Niall came behind me and hugged me from behind.

'What about the woman?'

'We found her too... She was suffering from serious bipolar. She had taken an overdose 2 hours before we found them. She was dead at the scene...'

No one could really believe it. It seemed so stupid, so movie like. The police left and we all remained silent.

'So it's all over?'

'Yea, Zayn, it is...'

I came to terms with it and just smiled. Within a few days my life had turned upside down. I had been to hell and back. But I've ended up better than I was before. Everything happens for a reason. I may have a few memories which may haunt me forever but I have a gorgeous fiancée who loves me and a dad who is just amazing. And neither of them will let anyone hurt me. Ever again. What more can a girl want? I may be the managers daughter by blood, but to one direction, I am so much more. Everyone was happy. Harry was madly in love with Laura, Louis and Eleanor was as cute as ever. Liam and Danielle brought little Loki and had their rough patches but pulled though. Eventually Zayn met a beautiful girl called Perrie. The one direction group was complete. I was complete.

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