2 weeks later, settling in

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Sam's P.O.V

Been here for 2 weeks now and met the best people ever. I haven't been happier. I help the boys round the house and do the odd jobs and in return they keep me company. Is it possible to fall for more than 1 person though? I suppose it isn't. In a way, if you fall for someone, you want them, not them and someone else if that makes any sense... Last week. OH MY. It was hilarious. The 6 of us. Dad had some paper work he had to do, headed out for the park, But the boys all went out in disguise... It was the funniest thing ever. Louis went as a grandad with Harry as his wife. Niall was a builder, Liam was a chef and Zayn was a bus driver. Where they got these costumes from I have no idea. The 6 of us walking through the park was a sight to see though. Eleanor and Danielle came over the other night. They are Louis and Liam's girlfriends. They were lovely. It was good to have some female company. They invited me to a drink with them later on today which I'm looking forward too. When they came round we all watchd Taken with dominos pizza. Texas BBQ for me obviously which I shared with Zayn. Eleanor and Louis are so cute together. They were cuddling and giving each other banter. I want someone like that. I have never been at a place long enough to get that kind of relationship. The boys have been great so far. I've done a far bit of cooking with the help of chef Payne. He's such a good cook. 10 times better than me... Harry's still playing the cheeky chappy. Caught him the other day making his car dirty just so me and him could clean it together like I had with Zayn and Louis. Unfortunately I had to go out with my dad to my grandparents, so that back fired. I have settled down now with the guys. We all hug and give banter. Especially Niall, Harry and Zayn. Niall gets alot of banter from everyone about the amount of food he insists in preparing and buying. Most of the time he eats it all but a whole chicken went to waste when he refused to eat it due to us running out of peri peri sauce. He's adorable though. With his accent. Oh my it's to die for. And Harry bless him, trying so hard... If he just stopped the hard man act and was himself, I would probably love him even more. Zayn is just a cutey pie. He always helps me out when I need it. I may not have found a lover right now. But I know I have 5 brothers here for now. Who knows. One of these men might just turn out to be my prince charming...

A/N WHO COULD IT BE?! Harry, Zayn or Niall? Or what about Liam and Louis? I would like to keep her options open right until the end. Maybe have 4 possiblities now, then down to 3 and then to 2? What do you guys think? Have you read any of the P.O.V's and thought they need to get together? LET ME KNOW PLEASE!

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