Girl's night out

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Liam's P.O.V

Sam's going out with Danielle and Eleanor tonight. Glad they are making her feel welcome in our family. I knew they would.  Means I'll be cooking then... Or maybe we'll just go for a takeaway. Sounds good. OMG Sam just came in the kitchen

'I LOVE YOUR SLIPPERS!' She laughed at me first before replying

'umm thanks Liam, just calm down yea?'

'Yea sorry, I just love turtles and they are just amazing, where did you get them?'

'Umm ask my dad, he got them for me...' Right must do that. I add that onto my to do list. I feel a bit rude, I've noticed the slippers but Sam has spent hours on her hair and make up and looks beautiful.

'Sorry, Sam you look lovely. Look after my girl tonight yea?'

'Of course I will Liam, thank you'

Sam's P.O.V

He's so adorable. I want someone like that too. Someone who asks people to look out for me. Never had that. Oh great here comes the cheeky 3.

'Alright beautiful' Niall is so casual and cute when he addresses me. Can't help but smile.

'So what you wearing tonight then?' Harry is always asking questions.

'Right well I was thinking, shorts and a top? I thought about a dress but then decided that was a bit too cute and innocent...' Harry looks startled at this.

'But cute and innocent is good?!' Zayn and Niall both burst into laughter.

'Yea cause Harry your type is innocent and cute...' He has a point...

'Harry, I can dress myself...'

'I know, but if you need help undressing you know where I am.' Followed but a cheeky wink. Oh cringe. I finish getting ready and the door bell goes. The girls are here.

'Oh hello gourgeous' Eleanor is just like Louis... Confident and makes people feel good about themselves. She looked me up and down and gave me the acceptance nod us girls do.

'Hey girls you both look lovely.' I had to compliment these glamour models.

'You all look lovely' Louis adds.

'Right so don't go getting with anyone girls, your all taken' Harry tries that trick.

'Umm Harry I think you'll find that Sam isn't...' Love Danielle.

'Yea and didn't you know? Me and Danielle are Sam's wing girls, this whole night is about getting someone for Sam...'

'Right girls go, before you make these boys even more jealous.' Dad pushes us through the door and we burst into tears of laughter. Harrys face was a sight. He looked so heartbroken and embarrassed.  

'Right so lets go' Danielle was driving, both of these girls are so beautiful. I feel a bit out of place...

'Harry fancies you then.'


'Did you not hear his comments?' Eleanor may have a point...

'He's always like that though...'

'Exactly.' They both look at me through the mirrors in the car.

'Do you like him?'


'Hmm seems debatable' We pull up at this pub. It seemed quiet but cute all the same.

'Right so spill the beans. Who is a possiblity and who's not.

Being the managers daughter... 1DDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora