Meeting them

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Sam's P.O.V

The door bell went but I left it for dad to get... Got too much unpacking to be doing. Wait. I can hear muffled talking. It must be the boys. I'm feeling a bit nervous about meeting them. I have to get on with them for dads sake but hey if I don't like the guy, I don't like the guy!

'Sam!' Oh God No. Thats the call. Okay just chill you'll be fine, just say hello then come back upstairs. Nothing wrong with that... I walk out of my room and slam the door closed so dad heard that I had left and ran down the stairs. On first impressions... they are normal? Normal teenage boys.

'Hey' Harry was the first to speak to me.

'Heya' I just reply and smile.

'Alright?' Liam smiles at me and the others just kinda greet me in their own way.

'Vas happening?' Zayn asks. Everyone burst into laughter and it just brightened the mood. I looked at dad and he gave me the nod to let me go I could leave again. I said bye and walked upstairs knowing more than 1 pair of eyes were still on me... That was handled very well Sam. Well done.

Harry's P.O.V

Wow. This sophisticated confident girl walked down the stairs to greet us and we then find out, SHE'S LIVING HERE! BONUS! She looked really nice. The kind of girl I could have a joke with but still be serious... My kind of girl.

Liam's P.O.V

Impressions on Sam... Managers daughter, thats all... She seemed nice. Maybe a bit quiet but hey she only just met us. She welcome in the 1D family don't get me wrong. She seemed like a good mate.

Niall's P.O.V

Sam. Sounds like ham. Hams a meat like chicken... Chicken means NANDOS!!! She looked like the kind of girl I would take to nandos... She was actually really pretty...

Louis' P.O.V

Miss what ever her name was looked alot like Eleanor... Obviously Eleanor has the personality with it but they look very similar. Beautiful in fact.

Zayn's P.O.V

Sam was cool. Didn't get time to get to know her but she seemed pretty good, well I'll be living with her so I'll soon find out what she's like...

A/N Not sure who is going to fall for Sam and who Sam is going to fall for... Any ideas please feel free to comment

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