Day out with daddy

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Sam's P.O.V

Me and dad headed down to the park without the boys just to have some family time.

'You alright Sam? You seem a bit quiet...' Well I couldn't tell him I had kissed Niall last night and then cried myself to sleep with Harry could I.

'I'm fine dad, just tired.'

'After your wild night out with the girls?' Bless him always making out I'm some wild child.

'How was it?'

'It was nice, good to have some female company I guess...'

'Oh right, talking about boys no doubt.'


'Umm Zayn came and spoke to me honey.' Zayn? Why? I was happy and intrigued about this but didn't want to show my excitment.

'Oh right? About what...'

'He just said if you like the cinema and if I would mind it if he took you to see some new action film.'

'And you said...'

'I said of course, if thats what he wants to do then yea. Just don't mess my baby around' I do love his protectiveness. We both sat on the bench and he turned so he was facing me.

'You know Sam, we may be living with these boys but I do realise that you are a beautiful girl and they are going to be attracted to you... I am always going to be your dad first. Before their manager. You understand?' I just nod and hug him before tears start rolling down my face.


Niall's P.O.V

'Oi Liam when are my pancakes going to be ready?!' Jeez he takes so long... Sam makes them so much quicker... Sam does everything better. That kiss we had was so magical. But I won't tell any of the lads, need to talk to her first. We're all sitting round the table for breakfast... What is wrong with us? We should be doing something hilarious! We're one direction! I walked into the kitchen found an egg box with 6 perfect eggs in. Lets go. I hid them under a cloth and went back to the dining room and whispered to Louis.

'Get a water gun and lets go attack' The others haven't even realised that me and Louis were schemeing behind their backs. I held the eggs, Louis grabbed the gun. We sneaked round the door to the archway between the kitchen and the lounge. I mouthed - on my count we attack- 1... 2... 3... FIRE!!! With that eggs and water went flying at Harry, Liam and Zayn. They all stood up and tried to hide but we just chased them. Got Harry right in the back of the head! Liam was soaked though. Zayn some how disappeared... He always manages to do that. I high fived Louis but before I knew it Zayn was behind me with the compost bags from outside. It went everywhere and stank really bad... All standing there laughing, we looked around. I was standing there covered in compost, dirt and stuff... Harry had eggs over him which he had then rubbed onto Louis, Liam was soaked and Zayn had just a little bit of everything... The house was also a mess but hey, got to live while we're young right? Bill might not be happy though and looking at Liams face... He ran to the cleaning cupboard and handed out the mop, broom, sponges, buckets, yellow gloves and dusters while he went round with the hoover. This would be a sight for Sam to see...

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