04//Hospitals and Period Pamphlets

Start from the beginning

However, she halted in her tracks when something caught her attention. It was Scott. He stumbled a few meters away from the crowd around Jackson and grabbed his head, bending over.

She instantly thought Scott got injured too, so she decided against following Lydia and started to make her way across the field as the Stilinski boy rushed to Scott's aid, and the two boys quickly made their way to the school.

Crystal followed behind quietly, making sure they didn't know she was there. She paused and waited for a few moments just outside the school doors, as she didn't want to seem creepy and stalker-ish. The brunette could faintly hear some commotion coming from the boys locker room, followed by faint grumbling noises.

"Scott? Stiles?" She spoke, her hands still stuffed in her pockets as she made her way down the empty halls. Suddenly, there was an eerie silence, followed by muffled voices.

"It's the anger, it's your pulse rising," She faintly heard the voice of Stiles. By the time she made it too the locker room. Scott was sitting on a bench looking really out of breath, whilst the Stilinski boy sat crouched infront of him.

"You okay?" She asked. The boys immediately turned to face her, wide-eyed and mouth agape. A confused expression made its way on to her face as she shifted on her feet uncomfortably. Scott was first to answer.

"Uh- what? Yeah why wouldn't I be?" He chuckled nervously, wiping the sweat that gathered on his forehead as he hoped that she didn't just hear what had occurred 30 seconds ago.

"Well I- I uh thought you got hurt, so I, uh- I came to check on you I guess?"

She furrowed her brows as she chewed her lip. Stiles broke out of his internal thoughts as he shook his head.

"No, uh he- he's fine, yeah, usual ol' Scotty." He scratched the back of his neck whilst he patted his friends shoulder, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips.

She once again, furrowed her brows.

"Well, uh. Okay? I'll, uh... See you guys later? Okay." She awkwardly pointed behind her with her thumbs and turned on her heel, heading for the lacrosse field, as her phone buzzed.

FROM: Redhead

Jackson hurt his shoulder! Meet me at the hospital ASAP. And if you don't know what ASAP means it means AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!

TO: Redhead

Okay, I'm coming. And yes, I do know what asap means thanks for clarifying.

She stuffed her phone in her pocket and made her way to the hospital after getting in her car. She would much rather spend her day in a classroom with Mr. Harris, than go to the hospital with Jackass.

After arriving at the hospital, and sitting in the damn waiting room for three freaking hours just to hear Jackson had a separated shoulder, she headed home and went straight for a shower.

The brunette felt her nerves soothe as the hot water trickled down her body, scrubbing herself with her coconut shower cream. Coconuts were her favourite scent. After drying her hair and putting on an oversized t-shirt, she climbed into bed and set her alarm, ready to face the next day.


By the end of the next day, Crystal had already gotten a detention from none other then Mr. Harris for falling asleep in class. Crystal shrugged it off, who hasn't fell asleep in Harris' class?

Walking to her locker, she sighed and mentally screamed at the thought of sitting in Mr.Harris' room for an hour, she might rip her hair out. Infact, she might rip his hair out.

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