Scorch Trials 15

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Thomas's POV

"Hey Thomas. You good?"

I opened my eyes quickly and I felt some pain in the back of my head. What happened? First I was talking to Teresa and next thing I know I am on the ground with Jo staring at me.
"What happened?" I asked her as I sat up.
"Beats me, I just found you here."
"Where's Teresa?"
"She's over there." Jo helped me up and pointed to Teresa's silhouette. My mind was spinning with images with Teresa and me, but they seemed to good to be true. Like a dream.

Jo walked away and I made my way to Teresa. She was standing looking out to the horizon, with her flowing in the wind.
"Hey, you okay? What are you doing up here?"
"Just thinking." She gave me a quick look but didn't really acknowledged me. I was really hoping that the images in my head would come to life before me but they didn't.
"I'll leave you alone then." I told her as I felt that she needed space.
"Do you remember your mother?"

Her question caught me off guard and made me face her again.
"Um I think so."
"You remember mine? She was a beautiful women, everybody loved her. Before WCKD she was all I had, besides Jo."
I walked closer to her as she kept talking about her mother. She has mention her before but now it seemed like she was opening up about her past. Something she rarely did, even with me.
"When she got sick, I didn't know what to do." Her voice remained the same but her eyes were slowly filling up with tears. "I just kept her locked up, hidden. I thought she'd get better. Every night she'd make these awful sounds, screaming. I remember that Jo would hold me close and try to block out the noise but I didn't work." She sighed.

"Then one night she just stopped. It was finally quiet, I went to wake up Jo but she wouldn't wake up. So I went down to her room by myself and there was blood everywhere, she was calm sitting on her bed. She said she was feeling better." Her voice was shaking and tears were going down her face. "She said the visions were gone, that she had taken care of them. She took her eyes out Tom." I grabbed her shoulders and she embraced me with a hug.

"There are millions of people suffering out there." Her voice suddenly changed tone. It was firm and clear not shaking like it was just seconds ago. I looked down at her and her eyes met mine.
"There are millions of people with stories like mine. We can't turn our backs on them, I won't." I felt something at the bottom of my stomach. I was worried about her and where she was going with this story.
"What do you mean? What are you saying?" I asked softly trying to understand.
"I'm saying that I want you to try and understand me." I backed up slowly away from her. Her eyes were once again filling up with tears.
"Understand what?" Confusion was filling up inside me by the second.
"Why I did it."

I tilted my head trying to figure out what she did and then I received my answer. Small lights were getting closer and closer to us. Airplanes. I let out a sigh of confusion and disbelief, could it be WCKD? Teresa turned her head around noticing that I was looking at the airplanes.
"Teresa," she turned around and looked me straight in the eye.
"Don't fight them Thomas." Those were the words that made my stomach drop and my worst nightmare come true.
"What have you done?" I asked angrily as I started backing up, away from her. "What have you done?" My voice was shaking now. Teresa didn't answer me. Her eyes couldn't even find there way to mine. I started shaking my head and running down the cliff.

How could she do this, my best friend has betrayed me. As much as I wanted to know how and why, I was more touched on warning everybody. By the time I managed to reach the camp, the plane already found its way to the ground. A helicopter followed behind as well hovering over the camp. Then a loud explosion rung in my ears. A missile was shot towards one of the tents. Soon Flames started catching on to the nearby tents as more and more missiles were being fired. I stood there frozen looking at the horror that was unfolding right before my eyes. The horror that Teresa caused.

Screams were filling the air, people were running trying to save themselves. Suddenly people from the helicopter were coming down with guns in their hands. They immediately started firing at the people closest to them. Teresa's words were in my head, don't try to fight them. I pushed them out not caring about what Teresa told me. I am not letting WCKD get away with anything. I see just ahead of me Vince, Harriet and the rest of the group getting armed to fight back. I started running towards them but a huge fire caught my attention. The tent that Brenda was in was up in flames.

"Brenda!" I yelled hoping that she wasn't in there. I started running towards the tent but I was pulled away. It was Brenda who had pulled me away from the burning tent.
"You dumbass!" She yelled at me. A wave of relief filled me entirely. "Are trying to get yourself killed?" She pushed me down towards the ground next to Jorge.

We were all watching WCKD take down people one after another, destroying the tents and anything in their way.
"We have to go now. While we stand a chance" Jorge said.
"I have to go find the others." I tried getting down but he stopped me.
"No! No you don't stand a- look!" He pointed over at the others. They were firing guns at the WCKD agents, on a small tank. "You can't help them."

Suddenly something was thrown at them and a loud bang came from the device. It electrocuted everyone near the vehicle. Seeing the bodies of my friends fall lifeless on the ground snapped something in me. I turned around not wanting to look at them anymore.
"I'm sorry." Jorge said. "There's nothing we can do for them here. Now we better move."
"You guys better get going."
"What?" Brenda's asked me looking confused.
"It's better for you. You'll be safe if you leave now." I didn't want them to get dragged into my irrational decision. "Now."
"Thomas," Brenda just looked at me not knowing what to do or say.
"I can't leave without them."

They both looked at me trying to understand my decision.
"Good luck to you kid." Jorge told me. "Brenda we got to move out."
Brenda was shaking her head not moving from her spot. Jorge lifted her up and dragged her away. As I watched them leave I tried to think about what I was going to do next. I needed to get over to everyone without being detected and do something. The helicopter started coming down and my window of opportunity was closing.

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