Scorch Trials 2

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Teresa's POV

"Great plan Thomas. Let's just hear what the man has to say, Thomas ." Minho said sarcastically, which caused me to roll my eyes.
"Oh shut up Minho. Maybe I can reach the rope." Thomas grunted.
"Enjoying the view?" Jorge asked walking into the room.
"What do you want?" Thomas spat
"Now isn't that the question of the day. Now my men want to sell you back to WCKD. Life is not always small and fair. Something tells me that you aren't either."
"Is the blood rushing to my head or is this shunk not making any sense?" For once in my life I agreed with Minho. Jorge was not making any sense at all.
"Now tell me what you know about the red arm."
"I thought you said the Red Arm is a ghost." Newt said.
"Well I happen to believe in ghosts. Especially when I hear them talk in the air waves." Jorge placed his hand on the lever. Now I was officially scared for my life.

"You tell me what you know and maybe, maybe I'll make you a deal." He said getting closer to the lever.
"We don't know anything." Thomas told him.
"Alright then."
Next thing you know Jorge pulled the lever. We all yelled at him to stop or wait and he did. I felt a small pain in the front of my head from the sudden stop

"Okay look we don't know much." Thomas said after catching his breath. "All we know is that they are an army behind the mountains. They save kids like us from the maze and WCKD. That's all we know."

We waited for a response and all that Jorge did was smile and started walking away.

"Hey w-woah hey, hey you're not going to help us?" Thomas asked frantically.
"Yo Jorge what's going on here?" A voice asked coming from the
"Me and my new friends re getting acquainted. We're done now." Jorge started to walk away from us.
"Hey wait, so you aren't going to help us?" Thomas stopped Jorge.
"Don't worry hermano. We'll get you back from where you came from." Jorge said with a wink before leaving with the man that came in.

"Guys we need to get out of here like now!" Aris yelled
"Alright hold on let me think." Newt demanded as he looked around
"Okay here's what going to happen Aris you swing on to Frypan, then Minho you swing towards them. Alright then Teresa after Thomas and I make it towards the rest Thomas will pull you over to us. Then together as a group we will push you to grab the lever since you are the closest one to it."

We all looked at him confused at first but slowly we did what he asked. The first time they pushed me I missed just by a couple inches. After I made my way back to the group I felt like I was about to die. Nausea and dizziness was taking over my body.

Suddenly bright lights were getting closer and closer to us WCKD. They have found us.
"1,2,3." They all said and on the second try I grabbed it.
"Yes I got it!" I screamed. I pulled myself so I could be above the platform and pull the lever. I fell with a hard thud and I heard everyone yell for a second but stop as they were jolted to a stop. I untied myself while being rushed by the boys. I grabbed a pipe and used to pull out Thomas, Minho and then Newt who I gave the pipe to pull out everyone else.

As we untied everyone a voice, the I assumed was Janson started coming from the helicopter.
"This is WCKD. We have your compound surrounded. Show yourselves! You have in your possession WCKD property, return them immediately! The more you resist, the more pain you will get. It won't be long until the Flare gets you. You are the future, the hope. It is all in your hands to help. The choice is yours!" Those last word lingered in my mind longer than I would have thought.
When we were all free one of the guys that were following us earlier showed up with a walkie and a gun. We stood there paralyzed not knowing what to do.

"You all are gonna listen to me. Janson I got em here with me, we'll be out before you know it." He said into the walkie.

Out of nowhere Thomas kicked the guy and gave him a good punch which caused him to drop his walkie. I don't know why but I felt like the approach Thomas took was the wrong one. Maybe we should have asked him why Janson wanted us. WCKD is good, right. No Teresa they aren't look at what they do. I shook my head and snapped back to reality.

The man fell to the ground but quickly recovered and pulled out his gun. "Alright! That's enough!" He snarled.
"I don't think Janson will care if I get rid of you." He pointed the gun at Thomas.

Bang! As soon as I heard that my reaction was to hold onto Thomas hand. I excepted for him to fall but instead it was the man who fell. Brenda shot the guy before he could do anything and behind was the girl that looked like Jo.

"What, no thank you?" Brenda scoffed.
Of course I would have jumped up and down with joy knowing our life was saved, but we almost died.
"Yeah guys c'mon especially you Mother Teresa."
My head bolted right up as I heard that. Only one person in the planet would ever call me that.
"Jo!" I yelled pushing through the group. I wrapped my arms around her as tightly as I could. I thought she was gone, dead but she wasn't she was right here.

"Wait you know this chick?" Brenda asked her
"Yes of course she's my little sister." She replied
"How are you here? I thought I would never see you again." I asked looking at her.
"Of course you were gonna see me again and I will tell you everything when we leave this place." She told me

"I'm with her." Frypan said
"Me too, that lass makes a good point." Newt agreed

"Alright family reunion is over lets go! We got to find the red arm." Jorge yelled out of nowhere
"Wait so your helping us?" I asked in disbelief
"Yes we all want to go the same place and I can take you there. Now come on!"

Everyone ran behind him including Jo. I was too until I stopped and heard Janson talking out of the walkie.

Do you read me.? Barkley? We need those kids. They are immune. Do you copy? They can help us. I lost him!

What was he talking about? Did they finally find a cure? My memories spiraled all the way to the beginning when we first went to WCKD. Why do they need us now? Can we really help? That's all I ever wanted to do. I looked at the walkie then at the door. Should I take or leave it?

"Teresa! Come on let's go!" I hear Thomas yell

What do I do?

Dun Dun Dun cliffhanger! Don't spoil if you know what happens.

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