Scorch Trails 13

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Newt's POV

We managed to drag Minho to Giselle's tent and get him to lay down on the bed. Giselle got a couple of herbs and liquids and mixed them up.
"Here drink this." She handed Minho a vial of whatever she made.
"Hey Newt listen to this." Minho said cheerfully. "I will drink from this foul vial of poison" Minho tried coping my accent. "Because my one true love has been taken from me." 

Minho drank the whole entire thing in less than a second. Then he 'died' I guess and dropped the vial on the floor.
"Minho. Minho?" I pushed him slightly.
"just give it a second." Giselle whispered to me.

Suddenly Minho shot up and looked around.
"Uh I think I'm gonna," and with that Minho ran out the tent and started throwing up.
"What did you do?" I asked.
"It happens more than you think. We managed to make a type of cleanser that washes everything out of you system."
"Interesting, we could have used it in the maze."

We walked out where Minho was.
"Ugh what did I just drink?" He asked me.
"Well besides pretty much alcohol you drank this medicine to make you throw it all up."
"Thanks, uh did I do anything that I might regret?"
"Nah we saved you before you could do anything."
"You should eat something. Ask Frypan if he has any stew left, okay?" He asked me.
"Yeah see ya." He walked to find Frypan.

"Do you think Teresa will kill him?" Giselle asked me.
"Maybe, but I doubt it."
"Alright I have shown you everything there is. So now what do you want to do?"
"Not sure why don't we just talk and relax. Seems like the sunset is going to happen soon."
"Sure lets go over here." We went by a little campfire that was lit.

"Alright greene what do you want to know about me?" I asked her.
"Okay what is up with your name? Why are named like a lizard?"
"Oh that. Well I was named after Issac Newton when I went into WCKD. But they wiped away my memories so I don't know what my real name is." She nodded as if she understood me.
"Alright my turn. What would you like to do if the world wasn't how it is now?"

"Well I mean it's stupid. Technically impossible for me to do it on my own but I-"
"What is it just tell me?" I interrupted.
"I've always wanted to fly." She looked up in to the sky and breathed in the cool air.
"To fly? That's a bit peculiar isn't it? I mean we have airplanes and helicopters, you've never been in one?"
"Well yeah but I would fly jets or go to the moon. The reason why I would do any of this is because of one story my aunt has always told me."
"And that is?"
"Peter Pan."

I never heard of such as story and if I did I probably wouldn't remember it. It was obvious to her that I never heard of it.
"I have to tell you the story." She said.
"Okay but from what I can tell this is going to be good so let's go to our camp and see who is there. Then you can start telling the story."
"Sure why not." We got up and went to our camp. Minho and Frypan were sit in by a campfire. Aris was not to far sitting with Sonya and Harriet.

"Listen up gents we are going to hear a story. So be quiet and listen up." I told the guys.
"Ooh I feel like Wendy." Giselle said excitingly. We all gave her a look. "She is one of the characters in the story." She told us. "Would you guys like to join us?" We turned around and saw Jo and Teresa walking over to us.

"No thanks." Teresa as she continued to walk away from us.
"I wish I could stay too." Jo said getting closer to Minho. "That way we could finish what we never started." She gave Minho wink causing him to be confused.
"I'll explain later." I told him. "Alright start the story Giselle."
"Okay I think you are going to like this one, it starts with a family in England."
I already love the story.

Thomas's POV

"I'll check on you in the morning Brenda." I told her as I got up.
"Thank you Thomas." She said as she grabbed my hand. I gave a smile and walked out of the tent. The sun was almost down and the air was getting cold. I didn't see anyone and I wanted to find Teresa. She's been a bit weird lately and I just wanted to talk to her. I walked up to the camp and Giselle was jumping around the campfire.

"Codfish, codfish Hook's a codfish. Peter teased him as he flew above Captain Hook. Oh hey Thomas, care to join the fun?" Giselle asked me.
"As much as I would love to, I can't I'm actually looking for Teresa." I tell them, Minho just rolled his eyes in response.
"She's up there I think with Jo." Newt pointed to a small cliff not far from here.
"Thanks." I told him as I started walking towards the cliff.

As I started walking up the cliff, there was no sign of Teresa anywhere.
"Teresa?" I called out but received no response in return. "Teresa? Teresa where are you?"
Suddenly I saw her standing on the edge of the cliff looking at what is left of the sunset. "Teresa, what's going on?"
She didn't respond, but I heard her taking short breaths and sniffling. She was crying, but why?
"Teresa, please. What's wrong? I don't know if it's something I did but I'm here now. Just talk to—"
I was cut off by Teresa suddenly turning around and looking at me. Her blue eyes were filled with tears as her bottom lip trembled.

"Teresa," I whispered, knotting up inside. "What's wrong?"
She didn't respond, but her eyes flickered to the side, as if someone was watching her. She let more tears fall to the floor as she looked at me.
I stepped forward, trying to grab her hand. "No!" she screamed. "Get away from me!"
I stopped suddenly as if somebody suddenly punched me in the gut. I held my hands up. "Okay, okay. Teresa, what ..." I didn't know what to say or ask. Didn't know what to do.

All I could do was lock eyes with her, scared to set her off again. A very long moment passed in silence. I saw her body shake, she almost seemed to struggle against something unseen. She reminded me of how Gally had been acting, right after we had escaped from the Glade. Right before everything had gone crazy. Right before he'd killed Chuck.
"Teresa, I don't know what is going on with you, but you have to listen to me. You—"
She didn't let me finish. She was in front of me in less than two steps. She grabbed my shoulders and pulled herself close to me. She hugged me and I hugged her back. I wrapped my arms around her, embracing her so tightly I was scared of letting her go.

Her hands slowly found the back of my head, then the sides of my face, making me look at her. I looked so deeply into her blue eyes that I lost myself but I was awaken by something unexpected. She kissed me. Something exploded in my chest, it was burning away the hurt of seconds earlier. It felt like nothing mattered anymore. Like nothing would matter ever again.
But then she pulled away. She stumbled backward until she stumbled on a boulder. The terror returned to her face, but she seemed to be fighting it. And then she spoke.
"Goodbye Tom."

"What? Teresa what are you talking about?" I tried to reach out to her but she pulled away.
"Get away from me, Tom," she said. "All of you need to do is get ... away ... from me. Don't argue. Just leave. Run." Her neck tensed with the effort to get those last few words out. Confused, hurt I didn't know what I was feeling. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of my head, the last thing I heard was Teresa screaming.


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