Scorch Trials 10

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Teresa's POV

"That Aris kid got lucky, man. He was in a maze full of girls, girls." Frypan told Minho. "We didn't even get one girl in our maze." I cleared my throat and pointed to myself.
"Right, well I mean you were there Teresa but you were unconscious for most of the time. Plus you were always around Thomas, so it doesn't really count." I scoffed while Minho let out a small laugh.

"You know you guys were put in the maze because you were so smart, but clearly your IQs went down." I told them.
"Well maybe I wouldn't have turned so stupid if you guys didn't put me in a maze for 3 years." Minho growled.
"Hey calm down man. They didn't know what they were doing, and I wouldn't be surprised that we did the same."
They did. They were with us until I put them in the maze but they don't need to know that.
"Actually you didn't. It was me and Thomas but mostly me." I lied. They loved Thomas I couldn't make them think that he was a monster. "I was in charge of who got put in the maze. When and why."
"Well everything is behind us now and we are all on the same boat. So let's worry about the future then." Newt told everyone.

We walked into the center of the camp, people of all ages were there.
"Hey Aris?" Giselle called out. "They should be in that tent."
"All right thanks. See you guys later." Aris waved at us and ran towards the tent.
"Right well where do you guys want to start?"
"Do you guys have anyone from a maze here?" Minho asked.
"Yeah they are by the main building. That's where they hang out and share their "war" stories."
"Awesome thanks." Minho ran off towards a group of kids our age.

"Hey where are you going?" Newt yelled at Frypan.
"They're putting the wrong ingredients in the stew!" He yelled before disappearing in a tent with smoke coming out if it.
  "So what do you want to do?" Giselle asked me.
"I am going to go find Thomas and Brenda." I told her. "Do your know where I can find them?"
"Yeah they're in Mary's tent right over there " she pointed to a green tent in front of us.
I gave her a small nod and left Newt and Giselle to do who knows what.

I walked up to a man who was by the tent entrance.
"Hi can I speak to Thomas?" I asked him.
"Sorry he is helping doc right now. You'll have to wait until they're done."
"And how long will they be?"
"Not sure. Stay nearby though I'll find you when they are done." He smiled at me.
I decided to go back to where we were staying when I heard a voice coming from the tent.

"It's interesting, but it makes sense why they put you in the maze. All though I must admit, I was worried they killed you for what you did." I heard Mary say.
I looked through a small tear in the tent. Mary is at a table with different liquids infront of her and Thomas was seating next to Brenda. She was pale and breathing very shallow, next to her was Jorge holding her hand.
"What I did?" He asked.
"The first time you contacted me when I was banned from WCKD, you told me that you couldn't take it anymore. You couldn't watch your friends die one by one. The last time we spoke you gave me the coordinates to every WCKD compound, trial, and lab."
That's what Thomas did. He really did betray WCKD, but why? I was trying to take it all in and stay quiet at the same time.

"I need to take some blood from you okay?"
Thomas gave her a small nod and pulled up his sleeve. She grabbed a needle and took the blood from Thomas who didn't show any signs of pain. Mary used Thomas's blood and mixed it with this blue liquid.
"In the beginning we were lost. The younger you were the better chances you had. You know at first we had the best intentions, find a cure save the world. It was clear that you kids were the key, cause you were immune. Why? Eventually we found the answer. There is an enzyme produced in the brain of the immune. Once separated from the blood stream it could be used to slow the spread of the virus."
"So you found a cure?" Thomas said, practically reading my mind.
"Not exactly. The enzyme cannot be manufactured only harvested from the immune. The young and of course that didn't stop WCKD. They would probably sacrifice a whole generation if they had too. All for this a gift from biology, meant for all of us." Mary held up another needle that had Thomas's blood in it, mixed with the blue liquid.

Was it really that simple? How could the Red Arm, a small group of people find the closest thing to a cure? I backed away slowly from the tent and walked away as far as I could to clear my mind. I found a spot just above our tents and I sat down on the ground.
"So everything I know is a lie?" I asked myself. "Is Thomas right? Or even Mary? WCKD, is it good?"

I let out a frustrated sigh and ran my hands through my hair. Maybe I can help? No I can help, that's all I ever wanted to do but should I do it WCKD's way? I thought. I got up and kicked the dirt as hard as I could. I let out a loud scream not caring if anyone could hear my cry of frustration. Counselor Paige trusts me and I still trust her. Maybe I can workout a deal with her and get the Red Arm to work with WCKD to find a fully devolved cure. I reached down to my pocket and realized I left the walkie talkie in the tent with my backpack. I ran down to the tent that Jo was in and quietly opened the tent flap.

"Hey how was the tour?" She asked me.
"It was um good, great actually I learned something new." I started to look through my backpack looking for the walkie talkie.
"You lose something?"
"Yeah I did." I told her, still looking for the walkie.
"Is it this?"
Oh no. I looked up and of course she had the walkie in her hand.
"You have a lot of explaining to do little sis."

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