Scorch Trials 5

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Thomas POV

We walked for a good amount of time in the Scorch. The sun burning down on us as we got closer and closer to the city. When we arrived in the entrance all I could see was people of all ages walking around, looking tired and sick.

"Try to blend in." Brenda whispered to me.

I'm not sure how we could blend in because we looked just like them but I tried my best to look like I have been here my whole life. We started getting close to a big house with music blasting. I could feel the eyes of everyone around us looking at us. "Hey you sure this is the place?" I whispered to Brenda. In reply she gave me a small nod.

Suddenly I could feel this hand at the back of my neck that startled me. I gave a small jump and a lady appeared from behind me. She looked at me, her hand still on my shoulder; then to Brenda.

"You here for the party?" Her voice was low and my guess is that she was trying to be seductive at the same time.
"Um no we're looking for Marcus this his place isn't?" She asked the woman.

"This is my place." A voice said coming out of the house.
"Are you Marcus?" I asked trying to ignore the woman's lingering hand.
"He doesn't live here anymore." The man said playing with his hands.
"Do you know where we can find him?" Brenda asked getting closer to him.
"Sure he's in Zone B." He told her. "That's were they burn the bodies."

Great we made it all this way and this Marcus isn't even alive, but maybe everyone else is here.

"Has another group of kids, around our age been here? They had a girl, well two of them both have uh dark hair."
"Yeah they are, um right inside." The man handed me a glass flask with bright green liquid inside.
"What is this?"
"Price of admission." He told me while shoving the drink in my face.

I raised an eyebrow and looked at Brenda. She had the same look I had on her face, questioning what was this and what did it do. This maybe the only way to find the rest of the gang but, maybe there is another way. Before I could finish debating on whether or not I should take the drink Brenda grabbed it and chugged down half of the drink. I looked at her suprised, she even touched the flask.

"Just drink it." She told me as she handed it to me.

I grabbed the flask and brought it slowly to my lips. The taste at first was sweet, like honey then it turned bitter. It tasted like if someone poured a bottle of salt, with soap and mint. It was the most weirdest thing I have tasted in my life. After finishing the drink. The man grabbed my arm along with mine and took us to the entrance of the house. I started to feel dizzy and light.

"Enjoy the party." He growled through his teeth  sand pushed us in the house. As soon as I stepped in my body felt relaxed my mind was free of any doubts and that I had. The music surrounded my whole body lifting me into my own world. Then quickly I realized what I was doing and where I was.

"Brenda we got to look for them." Her eyes were big and alert. She gave me a small nod and went to the other side of the house. I started looking around the house making my way through the large group of people that didn't have a care in the world. Some people were dancing, others were laughing, they were even singing. My eyes found a group of people in a circle. Maybe someone is there, I thought. My legs got heavy as I made my way to the group and as I got closer I could hear laughter and cheering.

"Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!" The crowd yelled to a man in the middle of the circle. He was waving a gun in the air, with a chained up crank in front of him. Next thing I know he shot the crank right in the face. The bang from the gun made me jump back and turn away as fast as possible, making me run into Brenda.

"They aren't here." She told me. What ever we drank made us both seem like we were disconnected from the world around us.
"Okay we keep looking then." I told her.
"No we can't even find the Red Arm, not without Marcus anyway. Your friends at gone it's just us now." She slowly moved closer to me. "In this strange place. You have to let go Thomas." Her hands were now placed on my neck.
"How?" I asked.
"Like this." She told me before pressing her lips against mine. My eyes closed instantly as she kissed me. My chest exploded, my mind drifted away taking me to a far off place. I knew why I felt like this because the moment I pulled away, it wasn't Brenda who I was kissing it was Teresa.
"What?" Suddenly Teresa turned back to a confused Brenda.
I grabbed her hand and looked at her. "You're not her." I sighed. "You could never be her."

With that Brenda let a small scoff escape her as she turned away from me. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but my mind like always, was confused. "Brenda wait!" I called out to her as I lost her in the crowd of people. My vision started getting blurrier by the second, my head was pounding and my stomach was in knots. As I looked around me I saw Minho, Frypan and Newt as cranks. No, my mind is playing tricks on me. This isn't real, it can't be real. With that I fell hard to the floor and everything around me turned dark.

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