Scorch Trials 7

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Teresa's POV

I don't know how but we managed to fit in the car. Jorge and Newt up front, Thomas, Brenda and Minho in the middle. Then it was me, Aris, Frypan in the back, with Jo in trunk. The car at first didn't turn on but after a couple minutes it started working and we headed out to the Red Arm. I slowly started to fall asleep just 10 minutes in.

"Teresa your scores are excellent, they have shown improvement." Counselor Paige told me.
"Thank you, but you didn't call me for that did you?" I asked.
"No I did not. I called you here today because we feel that you can really help us find the cure. I mean really help us. WCKD sees your determination  and your faith in them, in us, but there is one thing holding you back. Thomas." Hearing his name made me tense up. It's been 2 days since I last heard from him when they took him away, I have become very worried.

"He's practically family. He is the closest thing I have ever since Jo disappeared." I told her.
"I know, that is why we are going to send him to the Maze."
"What? No you can't he could-" I couldn't say the word die. Thomas just had to look into their flaws, why couldn't he leave WCKD be. They are trying to help.
"Die? True but he is intelligence and strong. He is one of our favorites, besides you of course. Thomas should be grateful we aren't going to well do something worse." She sat down next to me.
"Are the rumors true about what he did? Did he betray... us?" I barely manage to let out the word us.

She gave me a small smile but never answered my question.
"Thomas's procedure starts in an hour, you can go see him if you'd like." She got up and headed to the door.
"Counselor wait." I was able to stop her before she left the room. "If it's possible I would like to go as well."
"I'm sorry Teresa, I cannot risk losing two of my best. Beside you are need here to find the cure."

No. This can't be happening. Who knows what can happen to him.
"But what if the cure is in Thomas?" Teresa! What did you just say.

Counselor Paige gave me a look and  shut the door.
"Go on."
"You and I both know that he is the smartest here, not to mention immune. His test scores are unlike anything we have ever seen, he's always improving. Whether it's in a fitness or a social test he is the best. So you are going to risk losing probably the only person that might be able to provide the cure?" I said quickly.
"We don't know that for sure-"
"Think about it." I cut her off. "No one here or in the entire world is like Thomas, you have worked with him first hand. He has always been different. So let me go with him to protect him and when I get back we will pick up where we started."

"Fine, okay Teresa but as you know I have to wipe your memories." She said trying to persuade me to change my mind.
"I know and when we solve the Maze we will get our memories back."
"I am going to leave just a memory or two of Thomas so you don't forget completely why you are really there."

I nodded and walked out with her to the processing room. He was right there sitting down, arms and legs strapped to the table. When I walked up to him his head was down with his eyes closed.
"Only you would fall asleep at a time like this Tom."
"It helps me think. I need to-" he stopped talking as soon as he saw Counselor Paige. "What are you doing here Teresa?"

Before I could answer, Counselor Paige put her hands on my shoulders and answered for me.
"She will be joining you in the Maze Thomas.
"What? No she can't do that. Teresa your memories of me, of Jo gone."
"Don't worry Thomas. Not all of them." I gave him a small smile and left to get ready for the procedure. I tried to put on a brave face for Thomas and I think it worked but I was scared out if my mind. What if I forget completely everyone, everything? What if they make fake memories of the Maze? I tried to block out everything that I was thinking of. When I put my robe on I walked out back into the room and I saw Thomas already laying down. I laid down on the cold table that was next to Thomas and they proceeded to put masks on us.

"Why?" He asked softly as he held his hand out. I reached over and grabbed it.
"The reason why I do anything," I paused as the gas started to make my body feel tired and heavy.  "Is because I only ever cared for you." But Thomas was gone, his eyes were closed he was breathing softly.

I turned my head, his hand still in mine. My eyes started closing but I fought to stay awake. I tried to remember everything I could Thomas, Jo, WCKD.
"Remember WCKD is good."  The voice of Counselor Paige was the last thing I heard.
"WCKD is good." I repeated before the gas took over.

"You have to stop she needs help!" Newt yelled.
I opened my eyes and looked around, Jo was shaking her head and rolling her eyes.
"What's going on?" I asked her.
"There is a chick up a head being chased by cranks and Newt wants to save her." 
Just on the horizon a girl was fighting at least 4 cranks with a long pole.
"We can't stop, it's probably a trap made by gangs or WCKD." Jorge told him.
"Jorge we should at least stop and see how we can help." Brenda said.
"No! I can't risk losing you or anyone to WCKD."

The car was now getting closer and closer to the girl. She was covered in blood, her clothes were ripped as she fought for dear life.
"Well I am willing to take that chance." Newt said before jumping out if the car.

We all yelled at Jorge to stop the car as Thomas and Brenda opened the back doors. Jorge slammed the breaks and we all managed to get out of the car and run behind Newt.

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