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Dimitri looked around the crowd, His beautiful green eyes becoming glossy with fear.

Everyone is here.

He spotted Autumn in the navy blue dress with the simple designs.

He even saw her parents sitting in the crowd to the left of the room.

His teacher walked him out on the stage before leaving him alone.

"In this room, I see my peers and my family," he sighed knowing that his speech was fully made up.

Most of it wasn't true.

"I see my future. I also see a chapter of my life and people who built me up or ruined me." Autumn waved slightly at Dimitri while the moment of silence passed through the room.

"High school is a game. Play your cards right. People used to tell me that highschool is not a game and that scared me." His hair fell over his left eye and his graduation gown basically drowned him in silk.

"To not feel positive nor confident. Sure some of you may have hurt me but as the grads of 2018, I honestly forgive you." The microphone was snatched off of its sitting place.

Dimitri walked to the front of the stage.

"There were people who told us that we cannot do this. We cannot be us and they're wrong. Take me for example." He chuckled heartlessly while staring at each of the faces.

"Take diets for example. We were all said to be a messed up generation and I'll admit, we are. We are fucked up kids but these kids are going to college now."

Parents eyes widened in shock.

"A diet takes potential well, think about this- Life holds potential and we've all got it. There's just those of us who do and those of us who want." Autumn seemed to be shocked by his speech.

"Us, We are a family and our diet is full of Healthy things. Not many of us eat all of those healthy things but we build up the weight. We gain what we lose by knowing unity. I am proud to be apart of this group."

Tears filled his eyes and he inhaled deeply before a speck of liquid caressed his cheek.

"Most of all I'm proud to have met all of you but I have one important question," The crowd sat quietly.

"Autumn?" People turned around in shock. Not many people knew her name. "I-I mean Fall."

"Yes?" The girl shouted from the crowd. Autumns parents began to stand up from being alarmed.

"Fall, Will you make this the best day of my life by becoming my girlfriend?" He asked while staring into her eyes.

The beautiful girl with the slick black hair and dark brown eyes stood still for a second before shouting, "yes!"

That concluded Dimitri's speech and a chapter of his life.

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