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My diet was ruining me.

I could barely see but seeing Autumn was the only work out that my vision had gotten.

"Fall, have you ever felt like you weren't worth anything anymore?"

I don't know why I had asked but I watched her nod.

Our month long friendship had been the highlight of my life.

"Some people are so oblivious to the fact that humans can feel. Bullies think that power is in numbers, Numbers are what make us who we are yes but power is in unity. Bullies are just too scared to realize anything new."

Her mini rant had me in awe.

The sun was no where to be seen.

Stars walked around the skies.

"Also Dimitri, You will eat tomorrow." She demanded.

"The numbers on the scales do not make us who we are. They bully us into becoming what we are not."

I rested my head on head shoulder and realized that I am wrapped around her finger.

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