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|Dimitri pov.|

Breakfast with Autumn hadn't been what I expected. Her father had caught us making out and gave a lecture.

"No sex under my roof. No PDA in my kitchen. Autumn- If your mother would've seen that, she would have passed out." Autumn and I were flushed and blushing by the time he finished.

When we had left the house, she began to giggle. We were about one block away from our school when Autumn spoke.

"I'll race ya'." She whispered in my ear before letting go of my hand. I was curious as to what she meant.

"I'll race ya' to school." Her golden face lit up even more. "Oh it's on." I spoke too late because Autumn had already began sprinting.

My hair made it had for me to keep up due to it constantly slapping my face.

I sped up behind Autumn, When i passed her my breathing became harsh. As I approached the school, I could hear Autumn shouting the word "Cheater."

I cackled evily while using all my strength to make my last steps into the school. A hand latched onto my arm and yanked me back.

"It's a tie." Autumn announced before hugging me and skipping away.

People in the hallway stared at me, I was Drenched in sweat and puffing loudly.

The fat kid just ran is probably what they're thinking but who cares what they think anymore.

Autumn told me that my diet is going well.

I believe her.

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