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"Fall, why do you care about how much I eat?" I spoke while we both stared at the ceiling in her poorly lit room.

Another 3am conversation.

"Some of us don't have anyone to care, I just wanted to make sure that you're healthy. Anorexia is not a good rode to head down." She said while brushing my hair from my face.

I inhaled quickly and pulled her close. "Most people are so judgmental over things that can be changed," Her brown eyes twinkled like stars in the darkness. "People are dicks, you know?"

I nodded while she ranted loudly, Pressing my hands onto her stomach to massage it lightly, I watched her face.

"Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Assault," Fall began to shake slightly while tears rolled down her cheek.

Her body shook wildly for a second or so. "Situations vary so I don't see why its anyone's business if a girl is looking for love and affection in sex or drugs." She curled into a ball beside me.

Her breathing became gasps.

"Maybe even a girl who likes to sit alone with a boy getting called a used slut." I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her body on top of mine.

"We live in a society filled with tumblr wannabes, perfection seekers, annoying judges and arrogant pieces of shit and some humans. Those who want power and those who want peace but the thing we all have in common is a back story."

Fall wiped away at her tears as the sun rose lightly, slowly and slyly.

"Whether its a girl who died five seconds after she was born or a man who lived for ninety nine years." I couldn't help but be intrigued by the rant she let out.

I'd never seen Fall so outraged.

"What's your back story?" I asked either soundly wildly mental or interestingly nosy.

"Born in California, Raised in Florida. I was a naive child, a bad child. Always seeking trouble for attention." She looked as if she was mentally scolding herself.

I slid my hands over her hips softly. "Pregnant at the Age of 13 going on 14. I was drugged and it didn't really make any difference because I made my own bed. When I had my son, He was 7 pounds 8 ounces and 22 inches long." I was in shock.

Where is her son?

"My parents forced me to put Raphael up for adoption." I tried understand her pain. "I can visit him anytime I choose but I can't bring my heart up to it. It breaks me to see other people raising my child." My hands moved up to Autumn's face.

I did not expect Autumn to be a teen mother.

"Most people aren't who you expect them to be." A faint smile washed over her plump lips. "It's called being human." She shrugged before I pulled her in for a kiss.

"Why are you so damn perfect?" She whispered in my ear while sliding her hands up my chest.

"I'm not perfect but you are." I replied.

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