The Kanima-202-1 Don't Kiss Derek Then Run

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**A/N: Only read this if you chose to avoid Derek's kiss after seeing a film, then run from the Kanima. If you didn't choose this, go back to "The Party-202 Don't Kiss Derek" -Talia571**

You obey Derek, running for the door. You turn back to see Derek. Your heart stops for a moment when you see him; his eyes are glowing red. You run faster.

Not long after you began running, you hear footsteps racing after you. You turn around to see the lizard creature running after you, it's rows of razor sharp teeth bared. It gains on you, throwing you to the floor. You go to get up, but you find the you can't move. Panic is spreading through you like a wildfire. The creature flips you on your back, snarling in your face. You let out a bloodcurdling scream, but that angers the Kanima. It raises a single, scaled arm and then brings it down to your abdomen with tremendous force. Blood sprays from you, splatting against the wall. It frenzies, tearing at your flesh with its powerful claws. The Kanima hisses for the last time, then darts the other way. You cough, blood spurting from your mouth. You are going to die, you know but you also know that you have to make a decision if you want to survive. You could call out for help or you could wait for someone to help you. There are tons of people here, someone has to notice you here.

The Choice


(The Kanima-202-1-1 No Movie Derek, Run, Help)


(The Kanima-202-1-2 No Movie Derek, Run, Wait)

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