The Party-23-1 Kiss Jackson

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**A/N: Only read this if you chose to dance with Jackson at the party and kiss him. If you didn't choose this, go back to "The Party-23 Dance With Jackson" -Talia571**


You take a chance and kiss Jackson. He wraps his arms around you but they don't feel right. They feel scaly. You break apart from the kiss and look at his face. Half of his face is covered in black scales.

"Jackson...your face..." You gasp. His face is now fully covered in scales, along with the rest of his body. His eyes are slitted and yellow, with a reptilian tail coming out behind him. Jackson hisses at you, claws extending from his scaly hands. You scream and break out into a sprint. You see Stiles and Scott looking at you with concern. You decide to run to them, but who knows if they'll believe you!

Run to Stiles and Scott:

(The Kanima-23-1-0 Run To Stiles And Scott)

**A/N: There is no choice to make here. You just run to Stiles and Scott. -Talia571**

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