The Kanima-230-1 Jackson, Run, Help

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**A/N: Only read this if you chose to call out for help after running away from Jackson after kissing him and consulting with Scott and Stiles. If you didn't choose this, go back to "The Kanima-23-10-1 Kiss Jackson Then Run" -Talia571**

"HELP!" Your scream pierces the air. Waiting around won't help, you decide. You think that calling out for help is the smarter decision. Your throat is sore from yelling and you are becoming significantly weaker. You know that you don't have much time left.

"Scott!" Yelling any name of someone you talked to today seems like your only option from this point if you want to live. "Stiles!....Derek!" Footsteps approach you causing you to sigh in relief. Scott and Stiles shout your name, running up to you.

"Derek, she's dying!" Scott exclaims.

"There isn't really anything we can do." Derek states calmly.

"So we're just gonna let her die?" Scott asks.

"Well, there is one thing we can do. It's very risky though." Derek replies.

"What?" Scott asks.

"The bite." Stiles answers with realization. Scott sighs.

"It's the only chance she has." Derek tells them. "She might not survive but she'll die if we don't do anything."

"Do it." You choke, blood dripping from your lips. Derek's teeth sink into your side, then soon after, he releases his hold on your skin.

"Get her to Deaton." One of them says before you lose consciousness.

**A/N: There is no choice from here. There is a second book- Teen Wolf Scenario Game: Howling. You will go to TWSG: Howling (The Aftermath-31 Jackson)**

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