The Texting

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October 13, 2015


Kandyce arrived back at the hotel with coffee and soup in one hand and everything she couldn't fit in her backpack in the other. She had to knock on the hotel door with her foot in order for Logan to answer since her hands were so full.

Logan answered the door looking slightly better than he did when she left.

"I see you've been taking your medicine."

"Yes I have! It helped a ton. I still feel like hell, but I'm not throwing up anymore."

"Well, I brought you some soup and saltine crackers."

"You're a lifesaver. So how was the interview?"

Kandyce sighed and put all of her stuff down and set up her laptop to upload the interview.

"Just pull up a seat and I'll show you."

The video didn't take long to upload so Kandyce opened it in her video editor app to show Logan. Just seeing his face again made her breath hitch in her throat.

"He is fine! Shame I don't feel well. If I interviewed him I'd climb him like a tree."

Kandyce threw her head back with laughter and smacked Logan's arm. "Logan! You say that about almost every male celebrity you interview."

Logan started eating his soup and crackers when Kandyce played the video.

The video started with Tom walking to sit in his chair for the interview. He was looking at his surroundings and laughed when he saw the name of the interview on the wall next to him.

"The interviewer will be right back, you just make yourself comfortable." The woman said before she left.

Tom was too busy looking at his surroundings to even say anything back. Logan and Kandyce watched as they heard the door open again, signaling Kandyce walking in. Logan was watching Tom while Kandyce was too focused on herself and how she looked. Her insecurity took away the fact that Tom was checking her out, and Logan noticed.

"Did you see him?"

Kandyce looked at Logan, confusion written on her face. "No, why?"

"He was checking you out! Very noticeably, I might add. Look."

Logan rewound the video so she could see.

"It was probably nothing. Now keep watching so I can edit this."

They watched the interview, Logan laughing every now and then at some of the questions and answers. Logan had difficulty himself when interviewing people because some of the things Kandyce comes up with to ask celebrities.

Logan noted throughout the video all the times Tom would go from looking to her mouth to her eyes. He also couldn't help but notice his pupils dilated and the daze on his face as he looked at her. If Logan didn't know any better, he'd say it was like seeing fall in love at first sight. The thought made him chuckle. Then, it got to where Tom asked for Kandyce's number.

"He asked for your number?! Kan that should be the first thing you mention! He is so into you it's sad, really."

"No he isn't. It's really no big deal. I definitely can't include that in the final video. Imagine the Hiddlestoners coming after me for that one." she laughed. "Now let me edit this and you eat your soup. Get better. I can't be doing these interviews all the time."

"Actually, I was thinking that we could split the interviews. You do a handful and I do a handful. People are probably going to want you to do more once they find out that you're the one in charge of this whole channel. What do you think?"

"I don't know, Logan. I'll think about it." she said before putting in her earphones to edit the video and not bother Logan.

Around 6, Tom was finally finished his interviews and was able to head back to his hotel. As soon as he got back, he sat at the desk and fired up his laptop. Tom pulled up Kandyce's YouTube channel and was immediately impressed. He didn't realize how popular this was. The page had a few million subscribers and a few billion views on the videos.

He clicked on video after video, laughing at the questions asked and genuinely impressed by the fact Kandyce makes all of this stuff up on her own. He also noticed an interview with his 'brother from another mother' Chris Hemsworth. He couldn't help but to grab his phone and send her a text message, hoping to also start a conversation.

You didn't tell me you two interviewed Thor xTom

He sat his phone down and continued to watch the interview. About halfway through, his phone pinged, letting him know she texted back.

You never asked. So, stalking my channel, are we? Kandyce

He immediately texted back with a newly added smile to his face.

Consider me a new fan. What are you up to this fine evening? xTom

She responded soon after.

I just got finished uploading our interview actually. Feel free to share this masterpiece with the world ;) Kandyce

Oh believe me, I will. Do you happen to have a Twitter? xTom

I do, actually. You'll find all the links to our social media on the channel's page. Kandyce

Tom went back to the main channel and saw their interview has been posted as well as all of the links to their Facebook page and each of the Twitter pages. He took the time to watch the video and share it to all of his social media pages and then follow her Twitter pages. She had the channel's page as well as her personal account.

Followed! And you did wonderfully editing the interview. You should have included me asking for your number though.... xTom

Followed back! And no, imagine the Hiddlestoners after that! They'd have my head! Kandyce

Tom laughed to himself and typed out a reply.

Any plans for tomorrow?

Logan and I are going to be on the Today Show in the morning but then I'm free Kandyce

The Today Show? What a coincidence! I will be on there too. Fancy having lunch afterwards? xTom

What a small world. Lunch sounds perfect. See you then Kandyce

Goodnight, darling. xTom

"Who are you texting with such a big smile on your face?" Logan asked, watching Kandyce in the bed next to his. Before she even had the chance to answer, he gasped. "It's Tom isn't it? You actually gave him your number?"


"What'd he say?"

"He was talking to me about the channel and he may or may not have asked me out for lunch."

"No way! He is so into you."

"No he isn't! Now go to bed. we have to get up at 4AM.

Kandyce shut out the light, with the TV still flashing in the room. She turned away from Logan's bed and tried he best to fall asleep, not hiding the huge grin on her face.

In that same hotel on the top floor, Tom is trying to get some sleep himself with an all too similar grin on his face.

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