Twenty - Three

46 5 2

{ D I A N A }

It's been a week, Antonio and Kyle have been bugging me non-stop asking if I wanted to hang out with them.

One day I went to the park with Antonio we were just on the swings talking about life and what we wanted to do in our future.

The next day, I spent the day with Kyle at the aquarium. I had fun with both of them.


I held out my hand smashing it into my alarm clock for it to stop ringing. Normally I would have my phone but I stopped ever since I started using it to watch Netflix all night long.

I got up looking at my lock screen, "6:45am, Friday." I rolled my eyes getting up and going into my bathroom to take a quick shower.

I came out of the shower with my towel wrapped around myself I walked into my bedroom with my clothes already picked out. I furrowed my eyebrows together tilting my head.

"I picked your outfit."

I turned around, "Kyle how'd you get in?"

"The window," he shrugged with a smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes locking the window, "Well? I'm not going to change in front of you."

"You've done it before." Kyle paused, "If it makes you feel better I'll take off my clothes and change with you."

God, I wanted to see those rock hard abs again. His body was perfect but I couldn't.

"Kyle!" I whined, "Get out!" I smiled.

"Fine fine, I'll go fix up from breakfast for you." He got up from my bean bag chair going out the door.

I stood there still my towel wrapped around myself waiting, I took a step closer to where the clothes Kyle picked out were. I was about to dropped my towel until the door creaked open.

I walked over to Kyle tightly grabbing the towel so it wouldn't fall off.

Kyle smirked at me and opened the door letting himself in I stopped walking towards him and stood there.

Kyle walked over to me smiling and blushing like crazy.

"Weren't you gonna fix me some breakfast?" My heart was beating fast but I tried to ignore it.

"If we can go to we used to." Kyle shrugged taking a step closer.

"Kyle," I whispered.

"Hm." He was closer now, I could feel his breath on the nape of my neck.

"You know I can't, we can't do this." I took a step back realizing I still had my towel on.

"I'm sorry." Kyle took a step back, "I can't resist myself."

I couldn't resist myself either but if Antonio found out, I'd feel guilty he's done so much for me.

"I should change or else we'd be running late." I sighed turning around getting the clothed Kyle had chosen walking into my bathroom.

I like Kyle's sense of fashion he knows what looks good on me and what doesn't, he chose a floral flannel, black high waisted shorts and a black crop top, along with my black converses.

I walked out of my bathroom with Kyle sitting on the bean beg chair talking to someone.

Conversation Call {Kyles side}

"Yeah mom."


"Yes I'll be careful."

"I'm at Diana's house."

"Yes the one and only."

"Yeah mom, I still love her."

"I don't know, I feel like I might go far with her."

"I'll talk to you about this later okay?"

"Bye mom, love you."

Conversation Ended

I blushed and brushed my hair to take more time. "Who were you talking to?" I walked out grabbing my backpack.

"My mom." Kyle smiled grabbing his backpack.

We were both in his car, it was dead silent. Kyle cleared his throat turning up the radio. Commercials. When the commercials came back on of course, out of all songs this has to come on the radio at this time.

It was our song. Kyle lowered the volume bringing up a new subject.

"So," he coughed. "What are you wearing for uh homecoming?"

"Oh, when is that? In two weeks?" I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"Diana, its this weekend." Kyle turned into the drive thru for Starbucks.

"Oh my gosh! For real?" I freaked, I can't go with Kyle cause Antonio would get the wrong idea. I can't go with Antonio cause Kyle would get the wrong idea. I can't go with Lena or Bella cause they're mad at each and they'd also get the wrong idea.

I shook my head waiting for Kyle to order our drinks.

"Thank you!" I smiled grabbing my drink and taking a sip.


"Kyle." I said.


I bit my lip, "Do you still care about me?"

"Is that even a question?" Kyle parked his car taking off his seatbelt and looking at me. "I care about you a lot darling. Listen, I know this whole Antonio and me love triangle of whatever you want to call it, I know it's stressing you out."

"It is." I responded. "I just don't want to decide-" Kyle cut me off.

"I want you to be happy, He smiled looking into my eyes, "And if it's not with me that's fine, because you're the only person that I have loved enough to put before myself. Seeing you happy makes me happy and that's what love is. Right?"

I didn't respond only admired Kyle's words I scooted closer to him and he cupped my cheeks bringing his lips into mine, electricity ran all over my body once our lips touched. I missed him and his kisses and his hugs and his compassion. I missed Kyle.

Hey guys! I got my cast people in woohoo, soon I'll update the cast list now that I know what to do.

Lots of love


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