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We all arrived at Ariels place, she's the one that had a lot of make up mainly cause she's what you call "hood" but she's been part of our squad since fourth grade.

"What's up girls?" She welcomed us in, she was going to the party too except she was always invited because her sister threw the parties. We all ran upstairs into her room talking about what girls talk about.

"Bella? And Nate?" Ariel shook her head, "let me warn you he told me he changed too, but he just wanted to have sex with me." She shrugged and took out her make up. I looked at the corner of my eye and could tell Bella's face was red. Lena wasn't even paying attention to be honest. She was busy grabbing everything she needed.

"Anyways," Ariel spoke loud and clear, "lets see those dresses!!!"

All of us squealed and took out our dresses. "Adorable!" Ariel said once she saw my dress. I couldn't hear what she said about Bella's or Lenas dresses because I went into her bathroom to put on my dress. I came out adjusting the waistline and walking into Ariels room.

"Hold still!" Ariel was doing Lenas makeup adding some eyeliner first. I sat down next to Bella and she looked at me. She didn't stop staring at me.

"What?" I finally said after a while. Bella didn't say anything but she signaled me to look at my phone.


I already knew who it was, Kyle. I grabbed my phone trying not to smile and looked at my notifications. I was right, Kyle and....  Antonio?

"What the hell??" I raised an eyebrow. "Wow Bella, really? You unblocked Antonio?" I rolled my eyes and pushed her off Ariels bed. Ariel started laughing she got distracted and messed up Lenas make up.

"Oh shit..." Ariel looked at Lenas face her mouth was in a form of the letter O for a while.

"What?" Lena got nervous. She turned around to face us.

Lena had eyeliner all across her cheeks and down her nose. It doesn't seem like much but the look on her face made it funnier. Eventually after a long time of laughing at Lena, Bella grabbed a make up remover wipe and took off the extra eyeliner.

I didn't even unlock my phone, luckily my phone was at 95% and the party was in an hour. Once Ariel finished all our makeup plus hers all took a few group pictures and selfies posting them on social media before leaving. We all have our own app we use the most. Lenas is Instagram, Bella's is Twitter, mine is snapchat, Ariels is Tumblr. (for now these are all the characters you've been introduced to more will pop up later on)

Before going into Bella's car I looked at the people who viewed my story, Kyle was first as always. My mom was second that's rare its not even the first of September yet she ever has free time. Bella was third, Antonio was fourth and Lena was fifth. Five people saw my story in less than three minutes hm surprising.

Ariel was in the passengers seat she connected the aux cord to Bella's car and blasted some rap music. I decided to check my messages while I was at it.

224 messages

Holy guacamole. I guess I haven't checked my phone in a while after all.

Kyle (112)

Antonio (56)

Mom (28)

Brooke (28)

I opened my moms messages first, she told me how she was on her way to Miami to help put on a show for Pitbull.

Brooke: Diana? Are you going to Sarah's party?

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