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I took a seat next to Antonio. I didn't say anything and neither did he. Mrs. Worden was talking about the Boston Massacre, I wasn't paying attention cause I learned all about that in 8th grade. I pulled out my phone started texting Bella.

Me: Bella!

Me: Bella????


Bella: damn bitch just wait until break I'm interested in my science class.

I rolled my eyes a went back to all my messages.

Blocked ID: Diana I need to talk to you.

Who the hell was this? I unblocked the number but noticed the message was from the day of the party. I quickly messaged them.

Me: who's this?

I waited. You heard a buzz coming from Antonio's pocket. Mrs. Worden didn't seem to care she kept teaching anyway. Antonio smiled at his phone and started moving his thumbs.

Unblocked ID: you might already know who it is Diana.

Me: Antonio? What do you want to talk about?

Antonio: I can't tell you over text. It's not appropriate.

Me: since when do you care if it's appropriate or not?

Antonio: ugh, just meet me at the basketball courts after school. Capisce?

Me: caposh.

I couldn't help but smile. I felt this hot feeling in my stomach but it was a good feeling something I haven't felt in a long time.

"Okay class you can leave now your presences are annoying my." Mrs. Worden rolled her eyes as all the teenagers ran out the door. I didn't know if I should've waited for Antonio I was already packed up, shit, I didn't take any notes or anything. I walked out the door because Mrs. Worden was giving me the look. I started walking to my fourth period class but I was taking my time since there's a fifteen minute break between all classes.

"Lena!" Lena caught my eye since she was wearing her red flannel and it stood out. I ran up to her catching my breath.

"They changed my schedule!" I pulled out my crumpled schedule and handed it to her.

"Hey! They changed my schedule too! Exactly the same." Her eyes widened.

"How come I didn't see you in Mrs. Worden?" I questioned.

"They barely called me up to the office not to long ago." She handed my schedule back.

"Let's go find everyone else." I was still confused. Lena nodded and we walked towards Bella's class.

"Move fucking sluts!" Bella yelled and pushed her way out of the crowded hallway.

Lena and I laughed while Bella walked toward us with a smile on her face.

"Hey whores."

"Hey. Bella did they change your schedule?" I was curiously.

"Eh no." Her forehead crinkled in confusion.

"Ours did." Lena pulled out her schedule and so did I.

Bella examined the schedules, "Lucky!!" She pouted giving us our schedules back.

"Diana!" I turned back. "Hey Kyle!" I waited for him to come up to us. "I was looking for you." Kyle said. "Oh sorry my schedule changed."

"It's okay." He smiled cheerfully and kissed me real quick. "Hey, you guys knows there's a new guy?" Kyle changed the subject.

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