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"Okay class do questions 1-18 for homework and I'll see you all tomorrow." I grabbed my things and ran out the door. "Damn Diana hold up!" Kyle and Daniel caught up with me. I ignored Kyle and started walking to my next class, science. "What teacher do you have next?" Daniel asked me in a nervous way. "Adams. No need to be nervous I'm just a girl." I chuckled and Kyle laughed along with me. "Yeah Daniel she's nothing special." After he was done say thing what his face straightened. "You know I didn't mean it li-" "Save it Kyle." I walked the other way to Mrs. Adams class.  As soon as I got there Addie was already inside saving a whole table for her friends. "Diana!" Addie pulled out a chair for me to sit at. I walked over and sat down. "What's up girl!" I hugged her and we started talking about how she started texting Jason, the best basketball player at our school. When the bell rang our table was already filled with Addie, Me, Victoria, Jason and Lillian. During science class Jason kept looking at Addie write down her notes I couldn't help turn to look at Lillian who also likes Jason. After we were done we had the last 15 minutes as free time. Everyone was silent, the whole class was silent, I couldn't help but break the ice. "Wanna see a sloth run for his life?" I pulled out my phone.
"What the heck?" Victoria started laughing. "Hell yeah!" Addie grabbed my phone and went onto YouTube to search it up. Jason stopped making lovey dovey eyes at Addie and turned to talk to Lillian. The bell rang before Addie could show me the sloth video, thank god, but she mentioned she would continue searching during lunch. Lillian and Jason walked to their next class together and Addie gave Lillian the 'you're dead to me' look.
       "Addie just tell Jason how you feel already!" I adjusted my backpack. "It's as easy as you think Diana, what if he doesn't like me back? Then things would be awkward between us!" Addie got up from the desk and started walking out the door. "Don't walk away from me!" I yelled as Addie walked out the door. "Well then." I walked down to the girl locker rooms even though it was the first day we always change out once our locker always our locker even if we like it or not. I started changing out quickly enough so no one would see me when they walked in, I was the first one, sucks for me cause my locker is close to the door. It's not my fault I left my clothes in the dryer at least they're clean! Basically you weren't supposed to get your locker unless you have your shirt, shorts, and a lock. Bella screeched when she saw me "WE HAVE PE TOGETHER WOO ABOUT TIME!!" She dropped her backpack and started to unlock her lock. Luckily her locker was only two spaces away and since Melissa was never in PE due to her band practices Bella has her locker next to me....technically. I finished changing but Bella was making me wait for her. "Diana! Guess who's in my first and second?" She looked up from tying her shoes. "Um, I dunno who?" I leaned against my locker. Bella sighed, "You have to guess!" I rolled my eyes, "Jasmine?" Jasmine was our enemy she liked every guy I like I mean it's not a bad thing it's just she's obsessed with Kyle! I I don't like Kyle! I meant to say was that she likes all the guys that talk to me. Last year Jasmine had a total crush on Nick, Bella's crush, Jasmine would try anything to get Nick her like her bring him pancakes first period massage his feet after PE I mean you get what I mean when I say anything. "Ew no! Not her!" Bella shivers at the thought. "Nick, Angel, and Jeramy! It's like all my crushes in one class!" She finished tying her shoes and sprung back up. "Is that good or bad?" I adjusted my ponytail. "It's good! I finally talked to all of them at once!" Bella locked her locker and followed me outside. "Mhm about time you finally have the guts to talk to them." We walked to the benches before the teachers made us sit in our assigned numbers. "What about you and Kyle?" Bella asked. "Ew don't bring him up." I turned around to see if the PE teachers were out yet but Kyle was behind me and next to Kyle was Daniel.
"Ew? At me?" Kyle's eyebrow rose.
"Come on Daniel let's leave them alone." She smirked and walked away with Daniel.

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