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           It was finally the weekend first week of school was dreadful. I wasn't planning to go anything this weekend until Addie invited me to the beach since she didn't want to be alone with Jason. I gave her the idea that we should all go and have a bon fire. I called Bella and told her to invite Lillian and Victoria. I had to call Daniel to tell him to come with us so he could finally talk to Lillian. Of course, wherever Kyle goes, Daniel goes and wherever Daniel goes, Kyle goes. Things were fine with me and Kyle except I didn't like the fact that he said I wasn't special. I Diana am special. Oh what am I kidding all I do is watch Netflix all day.

     The waves were rolling and splashing against the rocks and I was sitting down with Victoria talking about the weird stuff we always talk about. "Bob Dylan's releasing a new album!" Victoria eyes were filled with excitement. "Hm really?" I tried to sound excited, I usually am but I was distracted by an abandon boat. There was a captain but to be it seems like the party never showed up. "Maybe we should go over to that boat." I asked totally cutting off Victoria. "Uhh are you serious? Why in the world would you ask that? We never even ordered a boat." Victoria face palmed. I turned away right when the captain of the boat turned to look at us. I told Daniel on our way to the beach to just start talking to Lillian when we are having a group conversation obviously my advice worked because they're hitting it off real well. The sun was still high and we all had brought snacks to share with everyone. "Guys come on time to eat!" Addie called out. "Yeeeee!" Bella got up and, "I'm starving!" She ran to the picnic tables and I was right behind her. "After I'm done eating I'll get my tanning done and head for the water!" Addie stuffed her mouth is chips. "I'll just get into the water right when I'm done. Anyone wanna join me?" I got two pieces of bread and started spreading a little bit on mayonnaise on. "I'll go in with you." Kyle winked at me. I had regular clothes on top of my bikini but no way am I gonna show my bikini when I'm alone with Kyle. "Alright." I responded grabbing the turkey and the cheese, but really in my head I was thinking, "Someone join us I don't wanna be alone." Unfortunately no one did want to join us because 'the food needs time to process' my ass! I really really really really tried so much so I could spend more time eating but if I did that then I'd have to nibble my food. Plus, that would seem like I don't want to go into the water with Kyle.
Kyle was waiting for me to finish my cookies. I ate my last bite and gulped down the soda. "You ready?" Kyle asked. "Mhm." I still had food in my mouth. "Don't you have a bikini or something?" He looked at my shorts and my Marvel muscle top. "Well yeah but.." I shook my head and took off my regular clothes I swear if Kyle reacts similar to a fuckboy I will drown him. I finished taking off my clothes and looked at him. "Floral?" He smiled looking at my bikini for only a second. I was surprised he didn't say anything like "Why don't you take off more clothing?" Or "you're practically nude just take off the rest." "Yeah..." I smiled back and walked to the water. Kyle followed. We reached the shoreline and I dipped my big toe it. "Ooo it's cold." I laughed nervously. Kyle ran into the water, "It ain't cold! It's fresh! Get it Diana." Gaaaaah why is he so adorable!!! I let the water reach me knee high level, looking behind me I saw Addie getting tanned, Victoria talking to some random guy, and Lillian and Daniel building a sand castle. I turned back around and Kyle was right in front of me. "KYLE WHAT THE FART!" I splashed him. "Fart?" He started laughing until a splash of salt water hit his face. "You're gonna pay for that!" He wiped his face. I started running away splashing his face every time I lifted my leg to run. Eventually he picked me up from behind he put me over his shoulder. "Let me go!" I started laughing.
Was I actually having a good time with Kyle Rivers?

Authors Note:
Sorry I took a long time to update...AGAIN! but I had a lot of projects due so kms! xD

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