I walk outside and he follows behind me. Class starts in about an hour and a half so I've got a little time to talk to him before Becca and everyone else is ready to go get breakfast.

"What d-do you want?" I ask as Parker shuts the door behind him.

"To talk," he says looking down at his shoes nervously. "And apologize for what I said, and what I did and everything."

"Just s-stop Parker," I say holding my hand up to stop him from continuing. "I d-don't need your apology. What's d-done is done."

"Well I need to know that I apologized," Parker says scratching the back of my head. "But I'm also here because I wanted you to be the first to know that I got in."

"Got into w-what?"

"College," he says gesturing around us. "I got in here, I know my grades went down a lot towards the end of the year last year. But somehow I got an athletic scholarship and when I found out I'd be going to the same school you're going to...well it was a surprise."

"You y-you're g-going here?" I ask my eyes widening a little. He can't come here, he just can't. If he comes here the chances of me having to see him on a daily basis increase and I really don't need this kind of distraction in my life anymore.

"Yeah and there was something else I wanted to tell you," he says grinning again. "I think I'm still in l-"

"Who's this?" I jump a little when I hear his voice. I whip my head around and see Scott standing right behind me, but he isn't looking at me. He's too busy glaring daggers at Parker.

"I could ask you the same question," Parker says looking slightly confused. I'm secretly grateful Scott popped up when he did, I don't think I can talk to Parker or even look at him for much longer. Not after what he did to me.

"Scott Rogers," Scott says putting his hand out so that Parker can shake it. I'm surprised by how different Scott is acting, I don't know why but something just doesn't feel right.

"Parker," Parker says cautiously shaking Scott's hand. "I think I should get going though, I just got here and I have to meet with my room mate and get all settled in and stuff..."

"Okay," Scott says walking over to me and giving Parker an all too hard slap on the shoulder. "Nice meeting you dude."

"We can finish talking later," Parker says shooting me a small smile.

All I do is nod. I don't think I can trust myself to answer in a way that can even be considered civil. It's just now hitting me, and for some reason I'm just really pissed off that he thinks he can just pop up at my college, give me a very shitty apology, then just expect everything to be alright even though it very obviously isn't. I swear he is literally the most oblivious people I know and it's so annoying. I watch Parker as he walks away, wanting desperately to throw a rock at his head.

"Soo..." Scott says turning and looking at me again. "You ditched me while I was showering."

"W-what was I supposed to d-do?"

"Well you could've been a good room mate and waited for me," he says crossing his arms over his chest. "Then again I shouldn't really expect that much from you."

"You s-shouldn't expect anything from me," I mutter.

"Wait something's different," Scott says eyeballing me up and down. "What's different about you? There's definitely something...is it...oh! Where are your crutches?! You aren't supposed to be walking!"

"I t-think I'm fine," I roll my eyes at him before walking back into the room with Becca and Anna. Becca is too busy probing Anna for answers to notice me and Scott slip into the room. I quickly walk past either of them before they have the chance to say anything. I turn the shower up as high as I can and take my clothes off. I climb into the shower and as soon as the water touches my skin I know I'm going to regret having the water so hot later, but for right now that doesn't even matter. As I sit at the bottom of the shower with the scorching hot water burning my skin I finally begin to cry.


It's been like a million days since I've gotten the free time to write anything but here you go...my present to you guys is a very short crappy chapter. I know, I'm sorry it doesn't have much but I'm trying, it's Halloween though! So this is also kind of a weird Halloween present for you guys too. I promise next chapter will probably be better, and I hope you all at least just slightly enjoyed this chapter. Love you all!!





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